You know he’d forget the silent B = BOM
You know he’d forget the silent B = BOM
Buddy of mine had a 2000ish Chevy Cobalt. We were both batchelors at the time and he picked me up one day to go out for a beer. When I opened the door garbage fell out onto the street. I mean a literal waterfall of take out wrappers, random papers, receipts, cups and debris spilled out. Guess I really wanted a beer so…
Put this BEEF in your eye Koepka
They become false after hush money is given.
Thanks for this, I wasn’t sure where they had these located but in that video I know exactly where to test my “Subi Rumble”
Let me get this out of the way before you all die in the Carolina’s... ahem...
You know this owner doesn’t even know how to check their oil or refill the washer fluid.
Happens when your head is sooo far up your own ass, it’s called pink eye or Conjunctivitis
Ah the revival of the classics
Oh god, now 45's button on the desk will bring a bucket of the Colonels greasiest along with the Coke.
Jeez, I thought cars were like Lego today, just look at that Z1.
Tesla Model S-endIt!
Nothing wrong with any sexual orientation, just needed something to put in his mouth to stop showing/spewing his idiocy. Skin Flute just seemed to fit the picture.
Easy, he’s playing the incorrect flute type in that picture. It should be a skin flute.
Can’t tell if driver is a Person of Colour but his disguise ensured his ability to stay alive while being arrested. ;-P
Oh c’mon now, bone spurs prevent him from any form of decency.
**secures tinfoil hat**
Smokey eyed manager hits fake dong and acts like a weiner.
Can’t unsee Beauregard with the Mullet.
New Tide Pod challenge! Sarco-Sewage down the hatch.