
Man this is my Brother in Law in a nutshell, IROC, same hair (to this day)...



Thank you for your efforts, I often come back to Jalop at the end of my day for these COTD’s and to spy what awards were being handed out.

Damn, I thought this

That’s a Feature, not a bug.

What is the world coming to? 

When I accidentally find myself in that position on a bicycle it results in a much different facial expression.

Time for some karmic justice, blood money runs out!

Oh, I wish I had an Oscar Meyer Viper

Trying to envision a Pagani mansion....This but with more Aero.

Wow, first the TidePod kids and now y’all gonna 1-up them with this shit...



A little over the top but that is Golf Channels meal ticket. No other golfer has the level of interest as Tiger does and the more they can leverage that hype the more eyes they get on their broadcast.

Hope he rides on the wing, with a faulty restraint made in China.

All of this noise of his incompetency or scandal in the White House has got to be a distraction or cover for a grander scheme. These two fucking smug pieces of shit have something far worse up their sleeves and the longer you let Trump run your country the bigger a hit is coming your/rest of the worlds way. IMPEACH

I don’t know weather to laugh at the idiocy of these elected officials or cry at the sadness of what they are actually proposing. I hope that all of these sick fucks are exposed for the disgusting greedy gun nuts that they are, arming toddlers?!?!?!?!

Which was a complete shock, and a needed one. A 40 year ride in the seat of power was BS and they finally got caught sitting on their laurels. I didn’t vote for either PC or NDP but was fun to watch all the butt hurt among conservative voters for a few months after.