Good, get the fuck out.
Good, get the fuck out.
Great job RCMP, tasing that fucking idiot was awesome and then the fall through the ceiling by the girl perp was just a cherry on top of the instant karma sundae. Amazing nobody died, I’d guess if this happened in the good ol USA the dude would be dead and the girl would have had worse injuries than that fall gave her.
United Nations’ migration agency be like:
Just speculating here but if this attack was an attack on “fake news” and was performed by devout Trumpists, would the POTUS be potentially liable for inciting this? He’s essentially waged a campaign against any and all unfavorable (to him) news organizations and his rhetoric might be seen as a “call to action”…
When speaking of red necks/racists and general white trash I’m retiring “Inbred” and substituting “Bum Cuntflap” from now on.
IMPOTENT, that is exactly how to describe Democratic opposition to the issues being wrought upon your country by the ruling party. Keep getting walked all over Pelosi and Schumer, your constituents will not tolerate it and will leave you to suffer the Trump brand shoe prints on your faces.
Tacti-tard in charge
Obvioulsy the VW was not able to handle ALL THOSE DOWN FORCES YO!
Me thinks it’s a Rig Rocket complete with truck nuts.
Can he always be referred to as valgus knees from now on?
Constructed from wood particles, glue and pressure these MDF wheels are guaranteed to be a show stopper at your next meet!
Gotta really get that gun problem in check if they are randomly falling from the sky an lodging into vehicles.
I assume that’s why he’s exercising: anticipation of needing to defend himself from whomever decides to fuck the rich boy.
reminds me of this useless pickup
Love these articles, thanks for the new desktop!
Everything in the Government’s power to rectify this issue...
Might be hard to president from prison.
I thought it was the relentless pressure of his great negotiating tactics.
Just found this on the interwebs and I think it shows some great chemistry between these two. You don’t motorboat your attorney, but a good friend in drag... Grab em by the subpoena!
The grammar is actually more in line with Trump supporters vocabulary.