
Those people who transmit nothing both SVGs of the Google logo are appreciative of the massive speed ups they’ve seen.

It’s not misleading at all. Old growth forests have been cut, sure. And until you complete your time machine, there’s not much that can be done about that. But it also unrelated to my claims, and does not dispute them in any way.

I’ve made no claims about pre-colonial times, only about the last 100 years, and the number of trees absolutely has increased, and significantly so, during that time period.

Among others:

In the United States, there are more trees today than there were 100 years ago, and the number of new trees grown annually greatly outnumbers those harvested. In the Eastern United States, trees have about doubled in number since the 1950s.

I’m a fan of it, as well.

You think paying off mistresses to keep quiet is cheap?!?

Regarding Camera 360: This is admittedly a niche feature, but for anyone with a Sony camera with WiFi, such as the RX-10/100 series, you can use the app as a remote viewfinder and control for your camera. It’s similar in this way to Sony’s PlayMemories app, but more reliable and with a better interface.

I wonder how many more people will trot out “no true Scotsman” without thinking. The count is three so far.

Can you seriously make an argument that Bush was a small government conservative?

No: If you think Bush was a small government conservative, you are mistaken and ignoring all evidence to the contrary.

There’s a difference between having a mentor and believing that your career development is the responsibility of that mentor.

My manager even stated that it wasn’t his job to help develop my career - it was mine.

Modern feminism: Shaming girls and women for being feminine.

Why do we separate “girls” underwear from “boys” underwear? There should just be “underwear” and let kids decide what type the want on their own. Gender is a myth invented by evil, oppressive, capitalist pigs!

I agree with that, in principal, but I doubt that’s what really happens. More often than not, it’s going to be parent’s pushing their “open minded” biases on their children. “Here, Johnny, play with this doll!” “But I wanna play with the tractor!” “No, it’s okay, you don’t have to accept the oppressive gender norms

This is why the politically correct side is considered so ridiculous: They call benign things like calling a girls’ bike a girls’ bike “being a shitty fucking bigoted human being.”

What is “extreme” about the labeling?