
It’s remarkably precise, actually. It’ll tell you that it’s in your car, under the driver’s seat. Next to a stale Cheeto. No, a little to the left. A little further. Okay, go it. And now that you've found it, isn't it time you call your mom?

Siri is a sotophobe!

My guess is the vast majority of people don’t have their side mirrors adjusted properly. If you can see the sides of your own car in your mirror, they’re not adjusted properly. And you have no need to see your car in the mirror; you already know where it is! It’s the other cars that you need to know about.

Yes, you absolutely can get that same primal feeling without killing an animal. But if you're going to eat meat anyway, it is at least no worse to hunt a dear, sheep, turkey, etc. than it is to pick up steaks or chicken from the grocery store.

I'm not a hunter, so I can't really answer. But I can understand, by way of an analogy.

So it turns out I really do know how to do this, and I didn't realize it. It's what I've been using for the guylines on my tarp. I think I may make the loop a little differently, but the idea, and result, is the same.

It should, and that would sort out most of these problems. But you’ve got a few forces acting against it. One are the “water is a human right” crowd that thinks charging market prices for water is a travesty of the worst dimension. This could be addressed with a fixed subsidy per resident. Instead of subsidize the

GMO is one prime example of anti-science bias from the left.

In that case, I'm going to post this on my Instagram.

I can tie almost all these, but I just never could learn to tie the trucker’s hitch. And I'm not alone.

Hey, I meant to ask you, do you know when Big Fear is going on tour again? I heard their new album is pretty good.

I don’t know about stopping a bullet, but some of the other smart watches out there definitely do suck.

Paul's stance is that these programs don't need greater transparency, they need to end.

By extend I mean not letting them expire.

He voted against that act because it extended PATRIOT Act provisions for roving wiretaps, bulk collection, and certain types of surveillance. That sounds like principle, not hypocrisy.

The hell if I know, but you always come in droves. Like moths to a flame.

Internet definition of biased: Having an opinion different than mine.

Can everyone who doesn’t like Apple please comment here and tell us in unison how Apple customers are mindless sheep? Thanks.

WTF was that? That has got to be the worst evil villain ever.

I’m looking forward to Adam’s exposé on how this shirt won't actually protect you from a drone attack.