
@arras: Which is precisely why we should have this, and also precisely why we never will.

I read this story wrong, and immediate went to the App Store looking for an app named "Where's My Taxes?". D'oh!

@Weakskills: I get the metaphor, but the on-screen impact is, text gets clipped. I don't see, for example, the usability benefit of clipping the name of the application.

t's cool the wa

Your two thumbs cover up half the screen? Just how big are your fingers, man?

Has Eric Schmidt been wearing that flak jacket ever since the Google Wave debacle?

Meanwhile, back in the Secret Terrorism Caveā€¦

@SEDAGIVE?!: If we arrest and torture one million photographers to prevent just one shoe bomber, it makes it all worthwhile.

@FriedPeeps: If it flies, shoot it with a Canon.

@starsoft: Indeed. And just where is he going to hit that ball? Onto some unsuspecting person on below?

But was it revolutionary?

@Pope John Peeps II: That's why you should only give infants moderate quantities of beer from cans.

@zenpoet: "what Charlie THOUGHT was H2O"

Vulcanized rubber. You forgot rubber.

Screw the camera. I want the goggles.

For the record, I really like playing Lame Castle.

@Navin R Johnson: I think at the point, you'll be in need of the services of a mortician, not a lawyer. That's not the way it should be, but that's the way it probably would be.