
I am not beholding to what other fools squander their money on. I maintained my wife’s 2002 for over 25 years; engine rebuilds, front fender replacements, rockers, seat padding, guibos, complete repainting. Never was worth the cost and I moved on from " the good husband" and the wife. NO DICE

60 votes and 100% CP. Could today be the day?

I, for one, would not have my wife after 115 nights in a Hampton Inn.

Plus Diamond status, free breakfast, hot showers and often a rather pleasant pool.

By my figuring, $17,500 is about 115 nights at a Hampton Inn, after which you’d still have your wife, the respect of your neighbors, and your sanity. ND.

Car dealership violated Clean Air Act?

ND looks like it was a fun project but the universe of people who want to buy it consists of zero.

This is just.... awful.

We should start an idiotic conspiracy theory that this whole “owning the libs” thing is actually “the libs” grooming red-hat dolts to kill off the things they love from within, like Harleys and ICE cars.

I’ve been waiting for 10+ years for this logic + reasoning epiphany from the neckbeards and it clearly is just not going to occur. I’m convinced they want to stay ignorant, angry, and aggrieved, such that it gives them something to fire themselves up while they beat their 3rd wife and stepkid and start fires at the

I think this is one of those cases where rarity does not translate to desirability. In addition to giving me Jaguar XKR vibes (in a bad way), describing a Ferrari-derived engine as “bulletproof” is laughable, especially given the mention of a spate of “minor, but wildly expensive” work done recently. What happens when

I’m not sure if this is even a rational thought, but in my mind ANY mass-produced Maserati that’s over 15 years old should be worth less than $20K. This one IS nice, and I like the manual, but honestly it isn’t that beautiful and the maintenance fears would preclude me from ever really enjoying it. I’ve never been on

“...recently enjoyed a spate of minor but wildly expensive maintenance work.”

ND, none of the cars from this range are worth 30k. Even the newer generation of Ghibli can be had in the mid teens.

NP. Vette kart! Vette kart! Vette kart!

I’d have to see it person, but what is shown looks like it would be an excellent donor car. Even if you only got the wheels and front clip, you made your money back. 

Bah, I’m older and like the ambient lighting, though I’m not sure how often I’d use it, certainly not like the way it’s shown in that lead pic, but I can tolerate it. Those big ass touch screens though...nah. Not a fan.

God, you know this site is on its way out when rage-bait like this only gets 70-odd comments—I remember the days of 700-odd comments, 100 of which were annotations of the lead image.

I’m fine with getting older....at least I own my house, unlike clickbait writing 20 something's 

My issue is the practice of using a touch screen, which inherently doesn't come with a good UX, for crucial vehicle controls.