
No, you wouldn’t get what you deserved. Gawd, why does everyone see everything in black and white? Did the biker and his girlfriend deserve to be swerved into and nearly killed? Hell no, they didn’t. That doesn’t mean the biker wasn’t stupid. Life isn’t usually “either this or that.” It’s often “this AND that.” They

The bottom line is that it’s still a justification. It has no merit in court, and for good reason. Traffic laws exist for the safety of all of us, and when people start “bending” (there really is no such thing as bending a law - you either obey it or you don’t) them for their own purposes, there’s not much point in

First of all, this idiot who thinks it’s ok to take the law into his own hands and punish someone breaking a traffic law with death needs to be removed from society and never allowed behind the wheel of a car again.