Jimmy Wondering

"whose movie wing is being outclassed and out-earned by Wonder Woman, but can still lay claim to the box office successes of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2"

It won't work. It would be the same gimmick as the CW crossover. High ratingss for those specific eps and then the ratings revert to the prior numbers the next weeks. It happened with EVERY Arrowverse show.

Dogs of Hell premiered in the Sif episode in AOS S1.

I think they have made it very clear with both Hell Dogs who debuted in AOS S1 and with Judas Bulelt that they can maintain and weave nods between shows, they just choose not to.

Not gonna happen. Not at current Marvel.


I have watched all his movies except Eagle vs Shark. I understand if someone scratched his head on how he can pull off a Thor movie but i think he will.

Thor 3 will be one of the best Phase 3 films and one of the best MCU films in general.

DD is by far the best cb show out there. S2 has 95% approval rate on RT more than any other comic show. Don't be affected by a minority.

Zemo and Loki stand out.

Ant-man is put by many people in thier MCU top 5 movies list so i think it's a resounding success especially with all the behind the scenes issues.

I'm not so sure. The original running time was almost 4 hours. Judging by the reviews the editing and pace felt off. I don't think that Snyder's decision. Also, let's not forget WB forced him to butcher Watchmen 7 years ago as well…

BS. WB is as much as a profit-driven company as Marvel. They will alow freedom as much as the cash keeps coming. When it doesn't the whole "filmmaker -driven policy" will tossed out of the window quicker than a Road Runner sprint.

It would be awesome to see Peggy in the 80s as well with Hank Pym but i'm sure de-aging Douglas is gonna blow all the budget in two scenes…

I have some bad news for you about Civil War….

The thing is that besides Atom i don't find any of the other characters interesting. The Hawk people still need work, Caity Lotz's canary is badass but we have seen her way more than we should and the Song of Fire and Ice duo was cool in Prison Break…..

AOS has been good since last year. It's a good show right now.

The bitereness in those forums resemble times like 2013 where the show i admitt wasn't good… Now, it's great. I find the storyline much more enganging and bigger in skope that what Arrow is doing this season or Gotham. Stop being so bitter about this show, it has found it's less and is really interesting right now.