Jimmy ValenTime

south park not a show i like a lot but it always been taking the piss out whatever the subject matter of the day is either bush .. obama .. trump … etc

i always like there work in the hip-hop genre and they seem to care about their fan base .. i really liked Minutes to midnight though its an outlier of their style … its a sad thing and depression is a bitch

trump triggers such blind hatred and people they cant understand - why this might be spooky to people -

The good thing about trump is nothing he does is surprising or shocking

my snes still works from 1995 - but you can buy one on ebay for like a 100 bucks


they doc 800 Xp points for each kill

i watch the you tubes and the counselors turning on each other are the funniest videos .. i am sad the publisher trying to get people not to do that ..

Will someone think of the MEMES !!!!

just let him know the years start coming and they don't stop coming

for me its interesting how much the cultural climate change since like 2005 when entourage was at its peak

Lindsey a skilled performer and a great actress; who has a lot of mental
health and drug issues, but i hope it start of a come back for her…

I genuinely enjoyed the picture a lot I thought the director did a good job shooting the action sequences the fighting was pretty clear and easy-to-follow which while I'm a huge fan of the Marvel films sometimes they're edited to death. I also like that Wonderwoman was really self determined and outspoken but not a

i seen a few episodes during a snow storm.. its an okay show, but the wife character was too laid back for there to be any tension with Kevin James dumb guy shenanigans

i dunno i feel as a Hispanic Baywatch was on all the time in Spanish tv, a modern movie that just updated the kind of dumb fun in the sun ideas of the show, would be a huge movie in the international market .. it seems more like a parody or SNL skit from the commercials

Tom Cavanagh is the Kenny of The Arrowverse

I think a good way to undo what happen would be if Barry forgives savatar,

, I bet the marvel sales Fiasco a few months back at least has some validity to it if they're canceling a line from a major author

A more ambitious way to end this season / start next season is start Barry from square one and we have a lighthearted Barry Allen and no god of speed to deal with

Vol 1 : A New Tape