
The Sixers are 5-2 since the trade and Butler’s hit two game-winning shots, so what the absolute fuck are you talking about?

“In a sworn deposition this week, O.J. Simpsons claimed that he never beat, choked, or hit his ex-wife with a closed or open fist. Luckily for O.J., lawyers forgot to ask if he had ever cut her head off.”

Let me be the first to make this joke.

Probably misspelled Golden Tate in his contacts. Could happen to anyone.

Don’t make the same mistake Van Halen did.


The problem is “Nothing” doesn’t serve the term of office; Donald Trump does. George Bush does. And many more shitbags in lower positions. Yes, we need more and better candidates in primaries, but don’t be stupid when the general election comes around. The rich love when the poor withhold their vote; that is why we

And as with any day that involves Papa Johns, the following morning is always worse.

Loose-loose is how I would describe bowl movements created from Papa John’s pizza.

Legend has it that Lil Papa John became inspired to start his company after seeing a pizza delivery truck dragging a black man behind it.  

Found Ainge's burner. 

1. NBA Western Conference

Alternately, you could just fuck off and not read the site. Y’know. Your call.

Rachel Nichols: Scottie, you and Gary [Payton] have been out of the league for a while now, but seem to have insights no one else does! Why is that?

I said, ‘Tristan, we ain’t cut the same’

psssssssssssst. He was being facetious.

So, you’re saying she’s clearly not sophisticated enough to know how to tweak MAC addresses but how could she not understand the nuances of MAC addresses?

It seems like he’s doing pretty OK for himself.

What, like LeBron and “the Decision” to sell out to the Heat?

Still at it, Barbara?