
Thank YOU! So many people are assuming I was an ass, I wasn’t in the slightest and have NEVER been treated like that for such a simple request and was nice about it....people are too weak if they are assuming I was an ass.....they weren’t there..I’m the nicest guy ever until you show me how lame you are then I’m an

I thought this article would be about why the cars themselves sucked, but in all actuality, it turned out to be about why YOU suck driving high hp cars (hhpc).

I’m with you. I always ask for two things (usually Coke and water) and never have I been refused or treated like that. I’ve flown cheap arlines, too. What a bitch.

A free tour of the cockpit after the flight has landed....
Uhhh no thanks, Im in a hurry to get out of the plane like everyone else is doing...

It really is a shame that your generation can’t have fun and display class at the same time. But then again, your generation doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘class’. I can tell you that it doesn’t mean hokey “holier than thou” ethos.

...which means you rarely ever see NBA players or coaches talking about “class” or “playing the right way.”

If your flight to Europe is $2,500, you’re doing it wrong.

I asked a bitchy stewardess ponce when they were coming with the drink cart if I could have a coke and a V8...she said “Oh sure, I should just take longer with you serving two drinks while everyone else waits for their one drink? I thought she was just being friendly-sarcastic and she literally said “pick one” so I

Average flight to Asia is less than $1000 roundtrip to all the major hubs. You get at least 2 meals, free booze (beer, wine, liquor), another “snack” meal, and usually enough space to walk around when you aren’t sleeping.

A trick I always use: buy chocolate or candy for the flight crew. I usually try to present it to them in a group.

For all the talk about airlines going bare bones, international flights are often still pretty luxurious when it comes to freebies. At least on Delta flights to/from Europe, they are constantly feeding you, with a 7 or 8 hour flight including not only free beer and wine, but name brand liquor if you want it, plus a