Puds MacKenzie

How do you literally die on a metaphorical hill?

Most of these lib tards don’t realize that Houston is a liberal city. The majority vote democrat. We voted in a gay mayor. We also voted by a wide margin to strike down this ridiculous ordinance wrongly labled as “anti discrimination” BARF!

Butt-hurt much?? Liberals love Democracy as long as it solely works for their agenda. The people of Houston spoke out, asshole. Deal with it. As a minority myself, I have never understood the need for any special type of treatment from my fellow Americans. I guess that’s because my parents did not raise me with the BS

Well, let’s see, we’ll have:

If it wasn’t this, it would be something else, real or imagined (like Benghazi).

I don’t know how often i need to explain this to you. You can continue to run around with hands over your ears and spouting your lies, because you obviously aren’t reading anything that I’m saying. I don’t care to type to a tree stump anymore.

Not an error. Business as fucking usual. I continue to not care.

Is “tone policing” the new get-out-of-rhetorical-jail-free card that you’re supposed to play when someone points out the flaws in your argument?

Is there an opposite of victim blaming, where you blame everything but the person who actually did something?

To add, most people with illegal weapons, don’t take them to ranges and other places to practice. That is why gang shootouts often end with no dead gang members and a bunch of dead civilians.

“Police say that Harris opened fire, which they then returned. In the ensuing gunfight, somehow Harris was the only one injured. If you have the luxury of taking that story at face value, congratulations, sounds like a nice life. For the rest of us, however, we who have a cursory understanding of how the police system