There are a few Hollywood celebs that I would be really surprised to find out are sexual predators. Steven Seagal is not among them.
There are a few Hollywood celebs that I would be really surprised to find out are sexual predators. Steven Seagal is not among them.
Thanks for posting this.... I think...
Entitlement is a heavy burden to bear.
It’s almost like Trump doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions.
I’m sure Breitbart is just chomping at the bit to make an offer and turn ABC into the second 24 hour all-white supremacist network. Fox News being the first of course.
>The proper way to think about it is, “How can the government remedy gross economic inequality by moving wealth from those who have too much to those who have too little?”
It was picked up not because of anything he was wearing, but a bit more to do with how he climbed on a moving schoolbus and went batshit.
Still the most embarrassing part is that he fell in love with a stripper who immediately fucked up his whole life.
Likely right.
He hasn’t sat down in the past 48 hours.
Well, I’m sure he stood for the anthem, so there’s no problem here.
Don Jr thinks he so fucking smart. I can barely tell what he’s trying to say, but he’s that kid in your intro psych class who is the biggest douchecanoe and thinks he’s constantly outwitting the professor. Bonus points if that professor is a woman.
Of course there’s a lien on it. You sell your soul to the devil in order to drive this and survive.
Crack Pipe.
It makes you wish he had only gotten ‘thoughts and prayers’.
Of all the disgusting things our country is OK with, “gay conversion therapy” has got to be one of the worst. If you aren’t completely enraged today, go read about the psychological abuse and the work camps that people (particularly kids/teenagers) are made to suffer through. They literally torture people into…
So instead of looking back on his life, seeing it was filled with hate, and changing his ways after being attacked, he just doubled-down on his anger and hatreds.Human garbage at its worst.