Crazy Bastard

It’s funny- because these days it’s hard to say that the NY Times, CNN etc DON’T have a liberal bias- their coverage of the president and congress is so overwhelmingly negative- it’s like, with Trump, Fox and Brietbart have actually created the Liberal media they’ve been complaining about all these years.

I made essentially the same remark to someone the other day. It’s soooo goddamn easy to be a sociopath in 2017. They have talk shows on Fox, they are Senators and judges. One of them is our President...

His opposition is hilarious when you consider that men’s inability to be empathic and sympathetic as well as the outright refusal to adjust to a modern workforce that is predominantly about care giving are exactly why their unemployed asses are getting left behind and women are taking over.

Oh, I get it. ‘Estrogen Hour’ cause crying and having empathy is for women. We should totally listen to men like Sabo. He knows the correct way for men to have feelings - gunning down hundreds of innocent people from the safety of a hotel room.

A conservative street artist

“How many kindergarteners have to die before the gun sucking NRA flunkies will take action?”

If you offer prayers for these victims but are unwilling to consider any meaningful changes to how America regulates guns, you are a POS. Hiding behind Jesus to avoid honestly confronting the ways you harm your fellow humans makes you a hypocrite and a bigger POS.

The first analysis of whether small mobile combustion engines can generate energy more cleanly and efficiently than elaborate sophisticated centralized power generation facilities should be in the intrinsic logic of either model. Why do you suppose we have always generated electricity in centralized power stations and

Of course Putin thinks gas powered cars are “better” he has enormous vested interests in Russian oil production.

You pose these questions as if they have not already been answered...

Putin is never, ever faced with a question that he (or his aparatchik) hasn’t written himself. Nothing is unscripted. So the very fact that he was “asked” this question means that he felt it important to give this speech.

I mean, he’s the president/czar/evil dictator of a country who’s only meaningful export and reason to exist is petro. Without oil exports, Russia becomes a poor backwater no one cares about except when some celebrity shoots a commercial holding starving children.

His way of speaking, his word choices and his broken English sound exactly like our Dear Leader. Trump could have said the exact same thing, (and probably has).

Good questions. Modern EV batteries can very much be recycled and the metals are far to valuable to not recycle. Also coal is now just 15% of energy consumption in the U.S. and renewables are gaining rapidly.

Also based on my upbringing. Any white person who reads Bill O’Reilly or Pat Buchanan, may as well have klan robes in their closet.

Lol once again another “subsidiy idiot.” quoting this LAtimes article from 2015.

Then fight the subsidy. I’m not sure why Tesla is bad for taking advantage of available subsidies. I KNOW the oil companies do.

Which branch of the military is the NFL?

Why are football players governed by “military regs”? Ball players are not drafted into the military.

On a hot Sunday afternoon while Mr K is sitting by his pool with a cold brewski and the game on the set, does he jump to attention when the National anthem begins? Nah, I didn’t think so. Same as in every bar I’ve ever been in.