Crazy Bastard

Here’s hoping they’ll learn the appropriate lessons from this (and the ME 3 ending debacle).

...while we’re hoping for things, I’d also like a pony and a million dollars.

Seems about as likely to happen.

The driver of the Smart car - a 60 year-old man - did not die as a result of this crash. I think that speaks volumes about the relative safety of the Smart car.

A curious statement here, since this Smart Car seems to have protected its driver from dying in a severe crash.

Hey guys, we found the asshole of the day.

  • A cop car that weighs at least 2 tons slams into the tiniest compact that you can currently buy at 104mph.


I mean, it’s the police’s job to enforce the laws, not yours, so yes? What would you do in that situation?

Let’s see how this plays out for you, you gigantic moron.

I owned two Cobalts. Still own one. I had the ignition fail on one of the vehicles. If it had happened during strenuous driving I would have wrecked. Power steering is everything on these cars. When it fails, you are helpless. Blame bad driving all you want, but you are wrong.

Well, seeing as they weren’t arrested for protesting, their right to free speech wasn’t infringed upon in the slightest.

Seriously. Do I need to post this every day?

1) Your right to free speech ends where my nose begins. You can say whatever hurtful shit you want and the law protects you from government retribution.

The right to free speech hasn’t ended. But these so-called conservatives should stop acting like they’re being persecuted when their beloved free market does its thing. Employers can decide when an employee is a liability. Universities can decide when a student has violated their code of conduct. We can decide when

Yeah go have a “discourse” with a Nazi, who’s entire belief system is predicated on the elimination of entire peoples simply based on where they’re from. Let me know how that works out for you. These fucks weren’t smart enough to wear hoods and robes (which is why the Klan wore them, to protect their identities).

The government did not deprive them of their jobs. This is not a 1st amendment issue.

your right to free speech, contrary to what many many many idiots in this country have somehow NEVER learned, does not mean right to say whatever you want and then be shocked that there are consequences for it that AREN’T just “you can’t say that.”

The right to free speech protects these people against being arrested for expressing their beliefs. It does not protect their jobs and it does not protect them from any consequences other than being arrested.

The companies they work for have freedom of speech too. They chose not to be associated with this asshole.

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

Nothing. He can scream until he goes from orange to blue and it won’t change. There are two major controlling factors in China against this. A, the government itself is in control and B, to many American rich companies getting cheap labor and products from China to push against that. This is the direct result of the