Crazy Bastard

He should never have a peaceful moment in his own home again.

And? A 20 year old black man was beaten with poles by multiple white people at this assholes rally, NEXT TO THE POLICE STATION with no cops in sight. As you said, don’t pretend is a one-way street.

The arrogance needed to hold a press conference the day after you create a riot is mind blowing but not at all surprising in these morons. That fool was genuinely surprised that he almost got publicly drawn and quartered

Smack that fool.

If only there were a way to combine a homogenous-charge engine with a hybrid drivetrain…

Send these to their jobs.

That’s right, expose them to the sunlight.

They LOVE this. Even the ones like Ted Cruz who are paying lip service to decency and ‘tsk tsk’ing love this. Their whole careers are based on crushing everyone who isn’t white and rich. This is all their dreams coming true.

They had their own “Security”. Guys dressed up like they were official military police. You know those guys that like to play war and pretend they are macho.

Those are racists dressed in their make believe military clothes.

I hope that young man is okay and those racists terrorists need to be arrested. My bff and are I wondering how white people finally seeing the real America we deal with on the daily are reacting.


Yours is a comment that makes me wish that this site had down-votes like Ars Technica does. “Downvote to oblivion” is a suitable outcome. As it is this comment gets to stay with the merely underappreciated instead of taking it’s punishment in the comment pillory.

Are you fucking serious? Watch the actual video and not the gif. The inifini makes contact making it the direct cause of all of this bullshit.

Congrats on having the dumbest take in this article.

He didn’t say no when she asked for a raise. He fired her. That’s not normal.

No one is being “penalized”. What is wrong with all you bootlickers? They make money at the pleasure of the rest of us. “You didn’t build that” etc. That they get to keep any money is their reward.

As you get older, pneumonia is one of those things that can randomly take you out. It is not to be taken lightly.

Just because you (and I) are on the right side and got lucky, doesn’t mean everyone else is.

I am also a software developer (20+ years) who has never ever had a problem finding a new job, whether prompted by losing the old one or wanting a new one. And the new ones have always paid more, sometimes a lot more (like 40%).

But let’s be realistic: our little specific corner of the job market does not represent