The rest of the mill is claimed to have been appropriately enhanced for more strenuous duty and there’s only break-in mileage on the build.
The rest of the mill is claimed to have been appropriately enhanced for more strenuous duty and there’s only break-in mileage on the build.
Usually, when something ends up in a museum, it is expected to be treated with the utmost care. Unluckily for Craig…
Or you can just put out an ad on insta.
Y’know, the cheapest option.
“What a lazy asshole, he built an entire company that installs parts and does restorations but he’s too lazy to set up his own manufacturing arm for a single part of a single model!”
That’s how ridiculous you sound right now. Also, he’s probably successful because he doesn’t spend money on stupid things like a…
I think the stoppage of the race is the least of the worries here.
Yep. Prior to this anyone with a sense of human rights and general decency would have been freaking out about how horrible Pence would be as President. Now, with all of this insanity, we’ll be breathing a sigh of relief when Pence takes over (and then promptly does terrible, but predictable things).
I cannot believe I live in a world where the incoming Administration makes W look quaint and Cheney only slightly evil.
And he called BuzzFeed, who released the dossier in full, “a failing pile of garbage” who would “suffer the consequences.”
That’s my response to every utterance of his name, along with “Just shut up, you fucking imbecile.”
So we’re really gonna do this, huh? This is actually happening? And how do I know I’m not in a coma somewhere hallucinating all this?
“At the end of 8 years”. Oh go fuck yourself
He has the mental capacity of a 5-year-old
Statistically speaking, you’re the real winner.
False. One can never have too much Maserati.
TNN, the 90's.
All the jobs in the world must be had in the US! But no immigration!
Sweet Jesus, what a maroon.