my favorite part is how he did it all with a cig t’ed up in his mouth.
my favorite part is how he did it all with a cig t’ed up in his mouth.
Bruce Lee is that you?
I think she can easily pull a personal training-focused lifestyle brand-type second act. She is tailor made for places like Women’s Health to write pieces about being a glam-tough bad-asss with an 8-page pictorial of her modeling workout clothes from her new line.
Tyson was actually a skilled fighter though. He beat a lot of good boxers in his prime and was a fearsome champ. Loosing his trainer cost him big time, and going to jail didn’t help either. But he was a real legit fighter.
Those people didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about and were eager to jump on the next big thing.
Holm exposed her last year as a big fraud, Nunes finished the job.
The nachos in my microwave took longer to finish than Rousey’s career tonight.
AMC...How could you not love their names and the looks? Gremlin, Rambler and Hornet! Those are gangster alias’ if I’ve ever heard.
I vote AMC. I don’t want to fight a Gremlin owner.
The only thing surprising about this article is that people stil believe that Uber and Lyft actually give Fuck One about background checks.
I assume you’re talking about concealed (or non-concealed) carry of a firearm. If so, it might stop the 4th or 5th poke. If someone wants to stab you and they aren’t more than 20-30 feet away, they’re going to stab you. If you think the fact that you have a firearm on you would stop them before you pull it out of your…
or...and hear me out... not use lyft?
Well thanks for telling everyone that you’re one creepy fuck considering that you see nothing wrong with condemning a woman to die alone without her friends and family without her consent solely because you want to bang her.
I think i watch more fallon clips than any youtuber...because well i could care less what most youtubers do, to be honest. I’m glad youtuber viewership is down and the idea of becoming a youtube star is becoming a lethargic memory rather than viable career path...there has been little emphasis of actually talented…
John Oliver went behind a pay wall so that’s prob it.
Reminder: this organization exists ONLY because “the public” who is doing this “ranting” thinks what they do is worth paying to watch.
Sound engineer here. You're hearing the vocal without the backing music here, taken directly from the mixing desk. At 0:55 the band joins in with bass, drums, etc. and the dancing starts, but you can't hear them in her microphone (pro microphones are designed to have minimal pick-up of 'off axis' sounds. It's a weak…
I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair…