
So I was trying to be cool with them using "Sabotage" to disrupt the hive mind but the crew toe tapping started to make me lose it and when they ended up "surfing" the wave, I thought this was the dumbest thing ever.

Anyone who has the skill to make video essays and uses that skill to talk about Christopher Nolan is someone I have no interest in hearing from

AJ Styles is top 5 easy. Age doesn't matter in this business and the fact that he's a draw at house shows (and even works house shows!!) makes him someone worth building around.

21 Jump Street is definitely missing. It was the pinnacle of the homoerotic bromance movies that came to define the era, it gave Channing Tatum a new kind of success and it put Miller and Lord on the map. It's easily top 5 material.

No mention of nameless employee finally paying off the three seasons of sexual tension between he and Monica?

So no surprise Will Smith reveal?

God, I wish Marvel would just move on from Bendis already. His disdain for certain Avengers (Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk) is embarrassing and the ones who doesn't hate just end up being siphons for him to "show off" Bendis dialogue. I want to like the Guardians of the Galaxy again pls.

Miles Morales didn't exist a decade ago :pushes up glasses:

I was thinking that one day I'd like to see KO give him a pop up powerbomb but I think that might accidentally be a face turn

They were disappointed when they realized it wasn't a Drew Carrey revival

This movie is gonna turn out kids into wussy vegetarians. If this movie wanted a real protagonist to look up to, Mark Rylance would eat that lesser creature.

So these new core X-Men will have 30+ years of experience behind them yet still look like Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult and James McAvoy?

Reminder that Iron Man 3 is the most underrated MCU movie

I loved how effective he was while being so minimal. He's also the first villain born out of the Avenger's direct actions and ends up being the villain who succeeds in his plan.

I will defend the ending to Signs any day

Holy shit there were four of these?

So I guess Gene Wilder isn't coming out of retirement for this one? :(

Controversial Opinion: Godzilla needed more Ken Watanabe than it did more Bryan Cranston

Declaring AJ the number one contender pretty much means they have to lean into heel Roman. If they wanted to hold onto Roman as a face, Jericho would have won last night and used the heat from beating AJ to try to get Roman over (which of course wouldn't have worked).

Was I the only one who thought A Christmas Story took place in the 50s?