
About halfway? It's immediately following the scene where Allsafe's CFO tells Gideon they'll have to close the company.

What song was playing when Elliot got off the elevator and arrived at Evil Corp? It's been bugging me trying to remember what movie it was from. Eyes Wide Shut?

Nostalgic for old nostalgia, impressive

They blew their wad too early with Dudleyz/New Day, the same way they did with PTP/New Day. Having New Day lose cleanly like that out of the gates just makes the entire tag division look weak. Should have had the New Day cheat their way to wins/no contents until the Dudleyz get their wish and get them in a TLC match.

Where's the thinkpiece on the use of the n-word in the song?

I have a baby face and I'm assumed to be a runner/intern whenever I meet new artists (not an interviewer either, though). I dress pretty casually at work, too so I understand it.

The jig is up!

Really enjoyed this season, about halfway through this show became one I look forward to each week. Hope we can get a reviewer with a more positive viewpoint next season so we can get some discussion going.

The trains run on time in Latveria

The awfulness of the Fox movies isn't a sin of the property. These movies have all been made so Fox can keep the rights, there is no love going into these. Hopefully this is the final straw that sends the first family home.

Only -field we fuck with is Gazorpazorpfield

Any D&D movie should be about friends playing it intercut with footage of their game. The actual D&D mythology is boring compared to whatever your friends come up with.

Remember girls, you're not normal if you're skinny! Petite women, please remove yourself from the gene pool

Why is the internet taking credit for this Great Job?

Didn't the Avengers drop that place out of the sky?

Promoting whitewashing tho

It did strike me as an incredibly odd choice as a first clip from the movie

HA! Take that, dying art community

It's great when a true artistic icon isn't burdened with a difficult life. I'm not a BB King biographer but it sounds like he got the fulfillment he deserved.

Don't think anyone told the author that Fight Club 2, written by Chuck, is coming out very soon