Jimmy Joe Meeker

“Read every review of the Contour when it came out - the magazines couldn’t get over how great it was”

You have NO fact’s as no official stats are produced. Just polls, and guess what these same experts got wrong....The outcome of the referendum, and the last election. That’s twice when they only have a 50/50 outcome.

If you come from the USA would you allow, unrestricted immigration, laws being made in another country

Personal responsibility is becoming extinct. It’s becoming you can’t have something because of the actions of others and that’s a travesty.

The AR-15 IS NOT an assault rifle. Assault rifles MUST have selective fire, something the AR-15 does not have.

Not sure who patient zero is in this case.

As someone who has made a decent living working in Information Security: Yes, most people are idiots in this regard. I really wish the CIO would sign off on that taser I requested. That’ll learn em.

I suspected something was up this morning on Vortex when I saw at least three threads talking about how stock ride height and OEM wheels were the best because they were classy and understated.

No, no, no, he’s got it all wrong. Where he needs to enhance is the bottom of the windshield to get the VIN.

Feefty watts per channel, babycakes!!

Someone posted some aftermath videos below. Considering how intact most of the interior still looks, I’m thinking that they may well have had and used a fire extinguisher.

I’ve done my own research on the history of airbags and I agree with all you’ve stated. Putting aside the Takata issue, which is a separate potentially criminal manufacturing and design problem, most people don’t know the back story of how airbags came to be a mandated requirement, how one powerful bureaucrat in the

Smells like another shrill attempt to smear technology that works, so that some congressman can shove some software contracts favorable to his constituents into an appropriations bill.

It it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Frankly I find it reassuring that our nuclear weapons systems rely on sixty year old technology that cannot be hacked and is so obscure that the average misfit from Anonymous or whatever would barely even recognize it as a computer.

If I’m not mistaken he’s getting out of office soon (I’m an American) probably just wants a low profile car for then. I know I would, no one would suspect it “today I saw a bloke in a Micra who looked JUST like David Cameron, I swear!"

Well, NHTSA spends a lot of time with it’s head up its ass...

the children will have to be moved to the trunk.

That is the most perfect explanation of the American Driver’s Education system that I have ever read.

“The UAW only cares about UAW management..."

My high school years were proper shite, so it can’t be everyone.

I think it was a bad attempt at a joke honestly. Dude isn’t an asshole, he flat out says it isn’t safe and wouldn’t let his kids drive it.