I own one of those. It’s hilarious. I can run it through an autocross circuit with one finger on the steering wheel. Steering is 100% eyeball- and ass-based.
I own one of those. It’s hilarious. I can run it through an autocross circuit with one finger on the steering wheel. Steering is 100% eyeball- and ass-based.
She is truly a scary person. Lying right through her teeth, nothing she says or does can be trusted. We’re screwed if she gets elected.
He doesn’t even know what the question was referring to. But I’m sure he’ll get his “top men” on it right away.
Could you make mine look like this?
For one, I made a conscious decision not to have children because the world is fucked and we have too many people. So thats my contribution to a carbon footprint reduction.
Why did Clarkson’s hooning break the car? That’s the part I don’t understand. An M3 should be able to handle that.
This. Just remember who’s making these decisions for you, folks. It’s not a bunch of super smart scientists who just inherently know better than you. Though that’d be a problem, too, no, ultimately it’s politicians and the masses cuckolded enough to believe our leaders actually give even a fraction of one measly fuck…
This presumes that people will still be driving in the near future.
Found it.
Solid beam axles
No mustang sedan variant for Lincoln due to “Core segments first”?
UPS was unwilling to pay out for what it was insured for in the first place so it is unlikely that they would have paid out at the full price. The company that built the motor actually offered to solve the issue. They said that they would rebuild the motor at cost due to the error that they made.
That is quite literally why fabian socialists and other patient statist political oligarchs are called progressives, rather than radicals or revolutionaries... they know that they can’t get what they want instantaneously, instead by consistent, patient social pressure over time.
From my cold dead hands
So, if the government came up to your house, which you have had for 60 years, blew up your garage, exposed you to radiation when claiming it was safe and used gang-land tactics to try and take over your land with hostile intent (from bullying and ‘security checkpoints) and THEN tried to pay you, you’d be like “Sure,…
Well they don’t, not in this country. The government truly owns all the land, we just rent it from them, for life, in the form of property taxes. Even if I have lived on a plot of land my whole life, off the grid, all my own utilities, if I don’t pay my property taxes every year the government can still take it away…
Land of the free*
Because Amercan military gear is designed for maximum profit margin for the arms merchant. They probably cost less than the German one to build, but we of course pay much more for them.
Now if only we could apply all this logic to people who swerve at / honk at / thrown shit at / scream at / beat up cyclists.