Jimmy Joe Meeker

the biggest thing about driving stick is getting to feel the gear catching when you engage and disengage the clutch and are trading off clutch for accelerator pressure, not sure how a video game is supposed to mimic that tactile feedback but good luck fahey!

Unattended consequences the story of every government program ever. They should mind their own damn business and stop meddling in people's life.

And everyone complains about minivans power doors being too slow, and breaking, and being expensive to fix etc...

If it’s like (or based on) the ICCT report I read the other day when this started blowing up there’s not really enough data to draw a conclusion. Anonymous test performers on uncontrolled routes with cars of differing mileage/maintenance.

Good faith? you mean like the guys who bought D90s, D110s, and early Defenders? I’m sorry, buddy, evidence says that the government will take them then say “oops” rather then abide by a good-faith argument.

It’s funny that car companies can actually kill their customers through negligence and not face any serious consequences but if you try to get around an emissions regulation it’s going to lead to probable criminal prosecution. This is the world we live in.

Buy cars now - we are on the verge of entering another dark ages. In addition to this fiasco, we’ve got the upcoming EPA 2025 regs, the proposed pedestrian standards, the recent automatic braking rules, L4 V2V standards (undated as of yet) and the TUV (Germany) proposed autonomous standards, and the new NHTSA safety

I’m thinking that line in the FMEA reads about like this:

See also: Pennsylvania’s liquor system.

nicest school bus ive ever seen

Great, more expensive shit that will break.

This looks barely like a Q5, if they’re ripping anyone off, it’s Buick.

The top tribal wave pattern is in the old Dassault Systemes colorway. DS is the company whom developed CATIA, the 3D CAD program 99% of all aero companies utilize for commercial programs. CATIA was first used as a 2D program to develop the first Dassault aircraft. Me thinks its all connected somehow.

I’ve posted this before, but I’m going to do it again. This should be the most important diagram that any rally spectator should be looking at. But unfortunately, a lot of people are happy to throw all caution out the window.

Ding. Let’s not pretend that the system is doing its best but just doesn’t get enough money. The system is doing its best to put money into the pockets of politicians, business cronies, and union leaders. Fixing the infrastructure is just the laundry through which they run the money operation.

Now playing

For those of you not acquainted with New York City’s subways firsthand, I recommend the video below for immediate viewing. It will put things into perspective.

There are a couple of factors regarding this test that should be addressed.
Color Temperature: A lot of people install aftermarket lights to get that blue or pure white look thinking that because certain manufactures do it, it must be brighter. Nein. The French figured out back WWI that yellow light cast the longest

Yes, you should, if you’re so much of a dick that you consider yourself more important than everyone else on the road and you’re willing to risk their lives by blinding them for the sake of your own visibility. People who do this shit to ON ROAD lights will have their vehicles crushed when I am in power. Off road

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m all set with the glorification of our military, especially at sporting events. Does no one even consider that these types of reunions only exist because our government acts as the modern day Roman Empire?

So sick of this shit. Completely bogus and frankly just insulting to a veteran. After about a year in Afghanistan/Iraq, the LAST thing I ever wanted was the entire fucking world observing my return. In fact, I wanted no part of anyone. Go the fuck away and leave me the fuck alone. Gimme a pizza, brand new bottle of