I drilled the bumper of my Mustang, which was a factory order, myself for the front plate bracket. What makes you special?
I drilled the bumper of my Mustang, which was a factory order, myself for the front plate bracket. What makes you special?
They probably make an a team van replica
“...If you paid for a fake supercar, if the Government won’t help you, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...The A-Team.”
Guy looks pretty lucky judging by the way that cab collapsed.
Then Fake is not the correct word. Staged would be the correct word.
Crony Capitalism — big difference.
How long until someone hacks this into a system that can let an almost completely disabled driver steer with a joystick...
Here’s a solution: have them drive something that requires the use of both hands and both feet.
4th attempt at responding, let’s see if Kinja will let me post without a YT vid directly linked then...
Ugh, i cannot wait for the LED light strip trend to die.
So this is all it takes to get justice in America these days. (The random act of luck that someone records your false arrest) + (that person not being too apathetic to point out their proof of your false arrest) + (viral news story following up until the police cannot blatantly ignore their mistake) = justice. Yay!
Meanwhile, the arrested RT driver has already lost his job due to being a no-show, as well as when his boss learned he had been arrested. Due to income loss from just that week alone, he will have a tough time being able to pay his rent. His car, which has been impounded, he will lose, because not only will he not be…
I'm pretty sure that ends in the plane hitting an iceberg.
Only if Bruce Banner were angry and it’s well documented that he is not well liked when he is angry.
No, no, NO, NO, NOOO!! Kind of defeats the whole point. Also, no mention of the fact that it is pretty safe? If craigslist murders were common, it wouldn’t be a major news story when it happens.
Seriously? The only people who fear police are paranoid people with something to hide?
Back in the dark ages we sold cars in the newspaper classifieds. I don’t know how we survived. We even had them come to our house.
...Police are looking for ‘a green Ford Mustang and a dark-colored sports car...’
I’m with you on this and add that I don’t want to be the reason for the pack slowly moving. I won’t be that person that takes 5 seconds to react to a light change and then another minute to get the limit. The person in front has the responsibility to pay attention to the light and it’s the responsibility of the person…
My cousin got arrested for being passed out in the passenger seat. The keys were inside the Bar. The cop wrote it up as a DUI after 10k in Lawyer fees he beat it. They tried to give him public intoxication after the lawyer proved that the cop was in the wrong. My sister got a DUI while on private land while driving a…