Jimmy Joe Meeker

How quickly we forget.

This was something that bothered me slightly about the prequels. Vehicular design in the original trilogy was very closely tied to design ideals in the 1970's-80's. In the new movies, even though they were supposed to take place decades before the original trilogy, everything was sleek, clean and modern-looking. Not

Frank Cannon would like a word with you.

Now playing

Awesome reference. I prefer the Beatles version though.

You know what. I wouldn't even have minded so much, if not for the second clip which clearly showed him drifting directly towards, and within feet of, several other folks' innocent parked cars. Fuck THAT.

Sometimes I look at these tests and I just see some asshole coming up with moving goal posts. It's like they're making tests for the one in a million type accidents.

That, and you get the "third shift" products made by Chinese joint venture partners on the side with the same tooling under a different brand, or with surplus parts "appropriated" from their western partner. The products might be essentially the same, but the quality control is going to be very different, not to

This guy seems to know a lot about beehives. This clearly isn't his first Scout restoration.

No, not over speeding....over being a douche and rubbing the government's face in it. You an walk by a sleeping Grizzly all day long, but don't poke it in the eye with a stick.

Arguing for a better system is redundant in this day and age anyways. Might as well be calling into a void.

So what did this mother fucker do? Rape? Murder? ...oh speeding? you're making a huge deal out of a guy who drives like an asshole in NYC?.... wait... really? Endangerment...sure whatever.

Looks like a case of Mustang vs fire hydrant. Hydrant wins.

How many rich "high line" techs to you know? What they appear to gain in expensive, high labor fixes, they more than give back in mega expensive diagnostic tools, extremely long lead times for parts (cars taking up space or worse, a lift), finicky problems that take longer to diagnose than they can reasonably charge,

Sounds like Ass Monkey Garage will be busy!

I know. I have an issue with how much money is being spent on all of this. It's a terrible thing that happened, however, this is PA. Terrible things happen all the time in Philly, Harrisburg, and Allentown just to name a few places. Why are we spending so much taxpayer money and so many manhours in this particular

I'm tired of all of these shit lawsuits clogging up our legal system.

Seriously. The A-Team theme started playing in my head immediately after this post loaded on my computer.

I'm going to go with "high quality Korean cars" in general.

Hyundai, 1989: