Jimmy Joe Meeker

As others here have said, this is about the perceived (real) militarization of local police forces feeding on Federal money.

Naw. As a former QA Manager, I am sure these isolated cases, although deadly, were reported to, but never investigated by GM. Car goes of road, kills someone, insurance blames it on poor driving conditions (Road, weather, light or lack of, rain, washed out road etc) sells the wreck to an auto wrecker for parts, makes

I think they have a long memory.

Skimming the comments it appears people don't understand that "plastic" is a generic term. There are many kinds of plastic and with in each kind many many grades, specific specifications, etc. There is also who produces it. Generally if you care about quality you use a resin of a specific grade from a name brand. When

Do it like Clint, man!

Very much like the Probe IV concept (though less like the production Probe)

M.J.'s hair, Pepsi commercial, Ferrari..... yeah I'll stay away from this one.

Unfortunately, in Michigan, winter does mean put the sports car away. In fact, it really means put any car you care about at all away. You see in Michigan, even though temps often fall below salts effective temperature, we use salt on our roads. We also use about 10 times what is necessary.

Worst car for snow? Easy. The car with crap tires.

Now playing

Not first, not last, not only in America.

I'm more worried about the remaining GT's than the people... :(

Why is going fast stupid? Car manufacturers spend a shitload of time, money and brains engineering cars to be safe at speed - they're certainly capable. Have you ever driven a car from the 50's at freeway speeds? Now THAT is irresponsible; bench seat, decapitator steering wheel, no seat belts, no safety glass, covered

Simpler solution: make all cars manual. That'll keep people from texting and driving since they won't have a free hand. That's the sole reason my father forced me to drive a manual car, and it definitely worked. I'm planning on doing the same with my kids.

On another note, democracies cannot function because people will eventually vote themselves other people's resources. They will vote to restrain the ability of their neighbors to make a living to enhance their own incomes. This is how democracy works and those with the power to manipulate the most people win.