Jimmy Joe Meeker

I rarely buy french cheese. When I stated German made auto parts, I meant german made. Not german branded. The last german branded parts I bought were from the OEM for one of my Fords. They were made in the USA.

This isn’t about if it is good or bad. I really don’t care if it’s good or bad. I didn’t argue that it’s good or bad. I argued that gawker is putting up a stream of articles fearmongering about the horrors people will face by not going along with the so-called elite. I argued that brexit is what the parties make of

You obviously don’t have any arguments because you repeatedly make shit up. I haven’t stated the EU has any effect on my life. I haven’t even touched on that. You just made that up. Here’s a clue for you, I’m in the USA, the EU has very little effect on my life except perhaps make the imported cheese or the some

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You’re the one that is challenging my use of the term “regional governance” demanding a list of laws. What you’re doing is demanding a list because you don’t have an argument left so now you’re demanding I do errands where you can sit back and say ‘that’s not good enough, it doesn’t satisify me’. I see right through

I made no argument about sovereignty. I could ask you for a list of alien spacecraft recovered by the US federal government to “debate” in the same style you’re using. The EU is regional governance. Don’t believe me? Ask the CFR:

You want to be a jackass about spelling be a jackass about spelling. Or you could just not make commentary about it.

Ahh you’re one of those people who think without government the sun wouldn’t shine. People want to trade because it benefits them. If you leave humans alone they start trading. Treaties and such are

EU laws take precedence over the laws of member states. That’s basic background knowledge required for the discussion!

You belong to a government enforced cartel of sorts for the selling of legal services. As I stated before, it’s about leveraging the government for one’s own benefit over others. In a free trade situation you couldn’t have the government do that for you and your fellow members.

The EU is not a club. It’s the

I haven focused on migrants at all. I’ve used it as an example of the EU going beyond a trade agreement into regional governance. There’s been no focus on it. I am getting rather tired of charges like this. If that’s the way you need to argue then your position is weak. All you have done is give reasons why the EU is

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That’s what they tell us people who disagree with their betters are. Old fashioned, uncool, racist, romantic about the good old days. Ever think to yourself that maybe you’re being socially manipulated? Back in the 1930s there were many discoveries in marketing and politics to better how can I put this nicely, sell

thank you, it helps when I know some people get it.

For what must be the 12th time with you ill informed people the EU is not just about product standards. They force member states to comply with countless laws that have nothing to do with the products’ safety or anything similar.

I create products for a living. Most everything I’ve worked on in the last 20 years has

The autobahn predates Hitler and the war. With regard to it Hitler was the classic politician. When he was trying to get into power he was against it as a waste of people’s resources building roads for the rich people with cars. When he got power he claimed it as his own as an infrastructure project to create jobs.

So you double down on your anti-democracy arguments. I get what you’re saying, that the poors and people in general shouldn’t have a say, that they should be managed. Manged like pigs on hog farm for their own good. Getting the poors to stop voting might turn out good, could get rid of all the welfare programs

Pretend that it isn’t crony capitalist? I usually get ridiculed for saying things are crony capitalist. Of course it’s a bunch of crony deals. That’s part of the modern version of serfdom. Fork over the tax monies and live as we say or the big corporations will move away and you won’t have a job fear mongering is most

I’ve made no comment about the odds of anything. Not required means not required. It doesn’t mean the odds are this or that. It means it’s not required.

Get your sarcasm filter fixed and learn to read in context. Or at least accept that kinja’s threading is shit and don’t assume you know it. When someone demeans people because of how they didn’t vote the way the enlightened elite said to I take to sarcasm.

Why the fuck would I think I get to decide what the EU does?

Of course the present agreements dissolve, that’s the f’ing point. But to lose the trade is a choice.

Trade is between two parties. Governments want to control it and take a cut. People use political positions to get their beak wet. A mafia controls who may and who may not do business in the territory it controls.

Countries don’t trade, people trade. Businesses trade. Governments step in demanding a cut. People use influence on government to get an advantage. Free trade is two parties trading. It goes on every day where people can trade without a government watching them.

I sure do enjoy watching conspiracy theory become

Every country’s government behaves like a mafia? Of course I know that. Government is fundamentally organized crime. Most people consider that to be a paranoid conspiracy theorist’s view of things, which is why I let others describe it first. Make the argument for it.Then I just agree with it.