
fuck you, leave

Absolutely nothing.

This totally ignores the value of your time and wear and tear on a vehicle.

They should aim to sell just one, but at $500,000,000.

Red Bull costs you wiiiiiiings!

Edsel is the automotive flop. Edsel is the poster child car for flops in general.

When I was a little dude, my parents had a Gremlin with (IIRC) a straight-6 258cid and a three-speed manual on the floor. It apparently had a habit of twisting driveshafts, or maybe that was just my dad’s right foot.

And thanks to complaining about it here and searching for a pic of the key fob, I found cool looking cases on Amazon. Boom. I fancy now.

Just don’t go full Torch. You never go full Torch...

This is why piano black needs to be banned. The car was perfectly clean 5 days ago, and this is what it was like after 600 miles.

Part of me wonders how I could keep my gym shorts up with this unit of a key in my pocket.

As someone who commutes daily on the infamous 405, I have definitely dealt with my fair share of gridlock.

How about Chevy putting a square peg in a round hole?

These Corolla wheels trigger my OCD like none other

The law doesn’t saw you can’t have a lifted vehicle. The law says the front bumper can’t be a certain number of inches higher than the back bumper. You can adjust your gasser so the front and back are roughly level, and it would still look period correct.

Test message.

I just feel for those who can’t afford the deductible and the headache of losing a car. Otherwise, you betcha.

The Fuck Your Feelings™ people sure don’t like having their feelings fucked with.