
Same designer:

I’m speechless, but with 36,895 comments, I haven’t always been speechless.  This post is the best prize ever!  Thanks so much, Andrew!

Negative percent changes in sales of the Q50, Q60, Q70, QX30, QX50, QX60, and QX80—coincidentally, also cars I cannot for the life of me accurately bring to mind, no matter how hard I try.

Double-entry, emm effers!

This isn’t extra time Jason has. This is his job. He makes his living doing this.

Volvos actually have an extra set of brake lights for heavy breaking. Saved my bacon once when I was behind one of their SUVs and realized they were *really* on the brakes.

Well I haven’t yet actually. Still trying to think of a way to break it to her gently. I’ve already contacted my lawyer.

Cool and maybe they can badge them with the torque rating in ounce inches too

Just wanted to leave this here

So much for being grounded to the ground

If a single piece of food was acquired from outside the car or if anyone peed outside the vehicle, there’s room for improvement. Seems like the pinnacle would be having some of those support people waiting at the pumps to fill your tank asap. Those pit stops COMPLETELY DESTROY YOUR PACE PLEASE JUST GET BACK IN THE CAR

Just do it in front of your living room window or patio door. Bonus points if its at ground level. 

To be fair a lot of that could either be evidence of a collision or evidence of it being a hand-made Italian car from the 1970s, which is sort of like being in a collision.

Are you calling poor build quality on a 70's Italian sports car built in Bologna?

With working lights and all! And race-worn tires! I was gonna post this.

Alternatively, a simple answer to all of the above:
I’ve been sitting in that uncomfortable seat for hours and my legs/knees stretching.

This is awesome. Some day in the future, humans may actually be able to see out of Camaros.

No one ever cried over a plate or a mahogany chair, but the things that truly matter will often fit in a shoe box.

There. I hope that clears some things up for everyone.