
cant believe it didnt make the list!

The question is faulty. Assholes is as assholes does.

This wasn't the ticket so much, as what the fuckups at the court did to me.

Now playing

I haven't gotten a ticket (knock on wood), but I love this Alex Roy story about the ticket he got. I posted it on Oppo a while back too.

Not my ticket, but here is a story one of my clients told me about one of theirs. He was leaving Vancouver bound for Ft. McMurray. He was due there by the end of the day and was flat hauling out of Van city limits. The roads were empty, no one around but him.

Before you judge, read this entire Pulitzer winning piece on this exact subject.

I was definitely not making a direct comparison! (Not that stupid...) Not sure how they dealt with the fuel cell expansion issue on the Concorde (perhaps, since it was so much larger, they could isolate them further from the extreme temperatures), but I think it also was not using quite so much titanium, so the