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CP all day, erryday. So much more bang for the buck available elsewhere.

“Simply” is a relative term with multiple connotations. The Amish live a simple life, not an easy one. Eschewing technology forces you to focus on the lower level necessities of Maslow’s hierarchy - regardless of whether you have a family to care for or you’re on your own. If your only goal in life is foraging for

Of course, but for that I’m sure he’d still be with us. (Eyeroll)

You just described mental illness without saying those two words. Humans need food to live. He willingly travel to a place where food was scarce bringing very little food with him. Multiple people noted this to him. His dream, willingly or not, was to slowly commit suicide. The only thing the Chris McCandless story

I know my comment sounds mean-spirited. In the end, this was a young man who made a mistake that cost him his life. He can't offer commentary on what people are saying about him any more than Warmbier. 

Or an early death.

I like to think McCandless would have thought twice about his adventure if he knew that Henry David Thoreau lived next to Walden pond - as in the front door of his actual residence was a little over a football field away from the shore. Roughing it in the woods while getting closer to God is a lot easier when your mom

My grandmother had one of these. Silver with red interior IIRC. My dad inherited it and gave it to my mom. I was maybe 6 or 7. Of all the cars from the malaise era, this one may have been “forgettable” but it was a nice place to be at the time. Cars were anemic, but according to my mom it was very comfortable and had

God help me, I want this. They say you shouldn’t buy someone else’s project but this thing is pretty much complete. It’s functional, the ask is reasonable and it works. 

The car developed a cooling problem and the convertible top mechanism got jammed. Thousands of dollars to repair. She complained to me about the cost while clearly hoping I’d pitch in to help. By this point I’d had enough and bailed. I drew a lot of lessons from that relationship.

Easy - people with money who want to out-do someone else. “Keeping up with the Joneses” is a human thing - not just an American middle class thing. Everyone around you has an S-class or a Maybach? Get this and be better than them. Detroit moved a TON of muscle cars using this strategy.

I once dated a girl who bought a used BMW 325i convertible that was clearly ridden hard and put away wet rather than the new Mazda 3 I recommended because she HAD to have the little roundel on the nose. She spent something like 25k on that pile of garbage. In spite of every obvious warning, I also noted that any used

Then you don’t spare the expense. You research the solution, talk to others who have installed it. Ask how many miles they’ve run with it. Set aside a fund for an engine rebuild just in case disaster strikes. Or go full David Tracy and keep a parts car or six in the yard.

Not everybody wants a Miata. Forever cars are about owning and enjoying a vehicle you love to drive. They’re usually not your daily driver and you don’t mind the expenses.

Bradley, I’ll answer your question by asking another one: Is this Porsche your “forever car”? Do you see yourself in it driving on sunny weekends with your kid and maybe, one day, passing it on to him/her? If so, I think you have your answer.

Well, both these stories are from Utah and the LDS church forbids alcohol, soooo - yeah. That’s probably a thing already.

That’s certainly interesting and I think you should buy it. Try to ignore everyone who isn’t a car nut when their eyes roll while you explain this tidbit to them.

This is the second story I’ve read with about a kid taking off in their parent’s car on an escapist fantasy. Here’s the first.

Ditto Hieronymus Bosch. Neither of them intricately styled their work and then, halfway through, let their four year old kids finish it. Everything from the b-pillar aft looks rushed.

This comment nails it for me. The Europa gets a hard pass from me every time. Lots of people say it’s interesting. Some here have said it’s a work of art, to which I say art and beauty are not synonymous.