
Oh, I agree. I think Hart should have spent the money for his own sake.

Put yourself in Hart’s Barracuda for a minute. You’re crossing an intersection at moderate speed, but I run the light and hit you with my modified 67 Camaro. You roll over in Hart’s Barracuda and suffer a neck injury. Does my Camaro’s safety harness have anything to do with your busted neck?

It is illegal. I can’t tell from the photos, but Speedkore almost certainly left the original seat belts in the car to remain in compliance with the law. It’s also possible to add a harness without removing the original seat belts.

Needs more stars. It must have been Hart’s desire for a superclean OEM+ installation, but compliance with the law doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take extra measures. It’s not necessarily about how safe a driver you are. Someone can still hit YOU. 

“Not legal for street use” carries the same weight as “swim at your own risk”. Just because they’re not legal doesn’t mean you’re barred from using them. I’ve never heard of someone getting ticketed for wearing a safety harness. When the only thing standing between you and a potential spinal injury is a five point

I didn’t click through on the Carmax warranty article, but... to the guy considering the Jaguar XKR, frickin’ DO IT!

It doesn’t matter if this thing is sorted perfectly and turn key reliable. It’s a bonkers setup that appeals to... who? Classic racing enthusiasts who can’t drive a stick? Of that group, how many of them don’t know the Daytona was always a coupe?

Because my dad had one back when I was learning to drive stick and I miss it. The college kid he bought it from modified it and it was badass. As for your other points, respectively:

That remark has gotten more than a few panties in a bind on this thread.

Pedants like you are so much fun at parties. You must be very popular.

It is? As far as I can tell, everyone remembers “the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, but no one remembers the opening caveat about “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State.

Those are for sale. You can buy em. Jerry Seinfeld had one. Got into a lawsuit regarding its pedigree, originality. Story is on here.

I’ve been there. I almost sold my Miata in the name of practicality when I was living in the mountains. It was a gift from my dad when I was 19. I still have it. (I bought an old K5 Blazer to get around in winter and sold it to a friend when I left town)

Displaying the swastika is banned in Germany. So much so that even historical references to it, like model kits, do not have it on the box art and the water-slide decals are printed on a separate sheet so they can be removed from boxes sold in Germany.

You ask the impossible. He needs more men.

This is much ado about nothing. Used car dealers in the states lojack their cars all the time. Would these owners prefer Mercedez-Benz simply DISABLE the car instead?

“Living Analog” is not a bad philosophy, but don’t go full hipster just because someone found a new way to do some of the simple things. Some of those new ideas are really good. Having an app to remind you of where you parked is a good thing. Having the car send a notification that you need an oil change or you’re low

If your son was a good swimmer and died from drowning and possibly recorded his own snuff film, would you watch it not knowing what to expect? Why give yourself nightmares over his last moments? Having a trusted friend (or better yet, a detective who is experienced in dealing with death) review the footage first to

I’ve seen that movie. Definitely a pejorative. And yet you starred what I said. Anyway, I loved the movies in both your reference and mine and you have the best damn avatar I’ve seen in a long time. Wish I thought of it.