
You know what else helps? Lay off the cheeseburgers in general and go jogging. If you weigh 220lbs and your buddy of equal skill tips the scales at 180, he has a significant advantage. I went to a bachelor party several years ago and one of the younger guys in the group had some talent and understood how to run a

As a Cadillac XT5 owner and Camaro admirer, I’m down with this. GIMME!

I’ve crossed this country several times by road both north/south and east/west. While it’s wonderful to have a toilet with you when you travel and you can stop at any Walmart for provisions and an overnight stay, the American road is fucking BORING. You’re forced to sit still for hours on end. Audiobooks keep the

So much THIS. I have a first gen Miata and one of the first mods I made was retrofitting the Nardi steering wheel from a second gen. Thicker wheel with a few comfortable ways to grip it and an airbag module that you can jam the heel of your hand into for a horn like the old days.

No, no, fucking NO! I understand the sentiment, but adding special ingredients to anyone’s food in any restaurant for any reason is wrong

There is only one custom livery I’ve seen on a Mustang that has made me drool with desire.

“The girl has Stockholm syndrome in the worst way and I can empathize with her pain, but the State has custody of the other woman.”

This is gonna blow over for one simple reason: It’s not credible. By her own admission, Foxx tried to get her to perform oral sex on him. Which meant that his fly was in her face before he exposed himself. Which means he got a signal that the front of his pants mere inches from her mouth was a welcome place to be.

Is there anyone else in this commentariat asking, “what about the guys in this video?” Anyone bother to identify them and perhaps strip them of their gainful employment through internet shame?

Now playing

There is only one third generation Camaro that I’ve ever lusted for.

The color for the grille surround give it the appearance you’ve conjured. Easily solved with a darker (or matching) color choice.

We judge the driving technique of those around us and keep tabs on those who behave with less predictability so we have options if an emergency maneuver is necessary. Perhaps one day, an autonomous car will be able to read other drivers the way expert poker players read people.

Probably nice and quiet inside.

Now playing

I kinda get where he’s coming from. If you limited means and/or space and want a car with a warranty, you go for the meh. Some people gain an affinity for their cars, regardless of how meh they are.

Kristin, rear visibility in many of todays cars is just awful. Even cars of the past that had good visibility didn’t prevent you from running over a child. Today’s cars can do that. My wife bought a Cadillac XT5 last year and let me just tell you, there’s no point in turning around. You’re backing up using a gun slit.

Very nice. Someone wanting a mint Miata might pay that price. But if all you’re looking for is a fun Miata, the ask here can get you two of them in good condition and completely free of rust.

From what I gather here, he’ll be convicted. It appears that Michael Gordon leaves a trail like goddamn caterpillar.

Security footage of Justin on his way home from work.

Where do you get your edibles? If they cost so much that buying three breaks your bank, shop somewhere else. Or make friends who know what they’re doing in the kitchen and enjoy sharing the fruits of their labor with good company. My friend did the latter.

I know someone who begs to differ. Had an edible, didn’t feel anything. So he had another. And then another. All without knowing that the people who baked them were real connoisseurs. HALF of one brownie would have done fine if he were just patient enough to WAIT. I sampled half and it hit like a goddamn freight train