
Beats the Johnny Cab on style points.

The car waited for more than a minute behind the truck where construction workers ordered lunch.

Like anything else, it depends on the circumstances. If the car has OnStar or some other proven antitheft/lojacking tech, kill the car by remote. If not and the driver presents an imminent threat to the public, I suppose the use of excessive force in their apprehension would be approved. Let the commish take the heat.

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Oh hell yes, if only to see if the driver is holding true to the stereotype.

I’ve spotted a few of those and always SMH. It’s a cheap Benz for aspirational shoppers and the styling of the grill is clearly intentional. “I HAVE A BENZ!” it shouts to anyone who can see that pig’s nose. 32 grand is a nice price right up until the warranty ends.

One of the traffic reports that always confuses folks from out of town is the Eisenhower (I-290). When you listen to eastbound traffic reports, they give a time to travel the distance between Austin and the post office which makes no sense if you don’t live here. Also, the Kennedy and Ryan expressways (I-90/94) are

If, somehow, the EV makers can agree to a comprehensive set of standards for battery types, motors, drivetrains, a universal interface for instrument clusters, center stack infotainments systems, autonomous driving systems, and so on, the industry could be as flexible and powerful as the computer industry.

Spiritually perhaps, but we live on the temporal plane. If you’re not thinking about your future when you’re spending money to cover Maslow’s basic needs, you won’t invest enough to make ends meet when the time comes to stop working. (Not everyone has a say in when that happens)

The real world does have a way of crashing into this “shrinking of the glass”. If all you need is a roof over your head, you can live anywhere - even a shitty apartment on the wrong side of town. Food can be inexpensive if you don’t mind all the processing. You don’t have to want fancy clothes when there’s plenty to

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Carlin had a long and wonderful bit on this topic.

If you’re taking out factory seat rail hump, you’ve gone further than anyone I know to get low. Short of slouching like you would in a go-kart or reclining way back, I don’t see how else you can pull this off. I hope it works out for you.

I can’t recommend this company enough. I have their lx1 seat. They replaced it with a new model. I’m sure it’s great. http://marradind.com

Georgia 400 is a loooooong stretch of highway with not a lot of exits. If you miss yours it could be an extra 22 miles added to your trip to turn around. Not that I condone driving at feloniously high speeds, I can understandthe temptation. 400 is a total bore that could serve as an emergency landing strip.

That was my first election and Duke ran for Governor of Louisiana, not the United States Senate. There are repercussions for the national Republican party if Roy Moore, a known child molester in his home down of Gadsden, wins the seat. The sonufabitch was banned from the local mall. The man should have been wearing a

The ad was updated! Look at the difference between Graverobber’s screenshot and the live ad on CL.

Being a tech guy, I have clients who ask me if I’m getting the new iPhone, which is a conversation I have every time the new generation of any phone is released. If you’re buying because there’s some feature you desperately need and it’s worth it to you, go nuts. Like most people I need to email, take photos, browse

Indeed. I had to search far and wide for mine. The best deal was in Seattle. I live in Chicago. I flew out, bought it and drove it home. You go that distance when you find a car that ticks every single checkbox on what you are looking for.

Someone failed the broomstick test! I’m surprised they let you compete.

My dad a C3 when I was in high school, which he foolishly let me drive for a year. I had some travel left in the seat if I recall. And the bucket sat pretty low for me. We did swap the t-tops for PPG glass, so that may have made it seem like there was more headroom for me.

The seat I have is the LX1, which appears to be discontinued. They have a new model which should give you what you need. http://www.marradind.com You can certainly remove the rails and mount the seat the floor. You can also remove some seat foam to add more leg and head room. A “foamectomy” as it’s known in the Miata