
Did you write this on an iPhone? Android? Computer running any OS built after 2002? If so, you clicked “agree” to an End User License Agreement. Your usage data doesn’t belong to just you. Kovac made that agreement when he bought his Tesla. Whatever data that contract stipulates is accessible by Tesla at anytime they

I agree with the sentiment, but when you consider the fact that these things can drive themselves and the unending depths of human stupidity, keeping a log of all user interaction with your product isn’t just understandable. It’s prudent.

There’s a simple reason for this: It’s the law.

My 05 Acura TL had a touch screen and worked fine with gloves. It also didn’t have much of a glare problem and the GPS worked quite well. You could adjust the HVAC with your voice if you wanted, but the screen worked just fine. Honda put a lot of thought into the system and it showed.

Nope. Ugly is ugly, regardless of the marque. Lamborghini didn’t give all their cars a butterface for the sake of corporate identity.

Like this guy, but IRL. There’s honestly nothing about this that isn’t awesome.

This. All I was thinking is the videographer was shooting this beaten hulk of a Nissan hoping for some sucker to make a mistake.

Quixotic. Who is Sancho Panza in this story? Who’s Dulcinea? I mean, clearly these presumably shoddy and yet somehow innocent BMW cars are the windmills. Who keeps giving this lunatic business so he can continue his saga of buying and publicly destroying BMWs?

Now that we have your hot take, what does FancyKristen think about the Shelby Raptor?

I’m not sure I agree with you on the number of misses, but that’s irrelevant. What bothers me is how many competitors felt the need to copy the “Bangle Bustle.” It didn’t look good on the 7 Series. It certainly doesn’t look good on a Camry.

I think you missed my point. I’m happy the Chiron exists and I love exotic cars. But I’m also quite bored with many of them because they don’t carbonate my soul the way they did when I was a kid. You could say I’ve grown up and accepted the reality most adults do, but I still get giddy when I see an old Lamborghini

It’s certainly more aggressive than the Veyron. And you just mentioned the Lamborghini Murcielago being boring. This is why I said we have reached Peak supercar. I just can’t get excited for another ridiculously overpowered wedge of a car. If you can’t design them sexy, go with the shape that captivates the

You’re arguing about aesthetics. If I’m going to spend $3,000,000 on a car, it better have everything you mentioned or I’d be rightly pissed off. And probably the kind of person who needs 1500 bhp to feel special on a highway on-ramp.

Eh, I suppose I did come off like that. People with the liquidity to afford such things may very well have classic exotics in their collection.

If you’re a decent white person and you find yourself in the middle of a Klan rally, you don’t follow the old adage “when in Rome.” You exit post haste.

I hate to say this, but I think we’ve reached peak supercar. Yeah, it’s great that you can buy a car that goes 249mph. The Chiron is a technical marvel and I’m sure it’s sumptuous and wonderful to sit in. That does nothing to change the fact that it’s a fugly plaything for the uber-rich and says much more about the

Steve Bannon says a lot of things.

I like how you pixelated his junk. Wouldn’t want to offend the folks who insist doggies wear underpants.

Oh Kristen, I can tell you the answer: We’ve either reached or we’re damn close to Peak Supercar. Does it really matter if it’s a few tenths of a second faster than its competition? In the end, you’re buying a super fast car with a bespoke interior for really rich people and that’s it. Conspicuous consumption, but on

“Rare” does not always equal “Desirable.” Lots of things are rare. A 74 Toyota Carolla is rare. Would you pay five figures for one? As a platform for a project car, this Corvette might be desirable assuming the frame is in good shape. But 20k? What are you shooting for - a 100% CP score?