

Me too. Bought it off my stepmother because the price was right. $9000 and it was a steal at that price. It only took a couple hours for me to come to HATE that car. Traded it for a new Acura TL in 2005 and never looked back.

My dad is still pissed about it because apparently my older brother needed a better car. I

It’s one of those films that haunts my brain. There’s an intensity that’s omnipresent throughout the film that, like some characters, is unforgettable. The homeless guy. The fast food manager. The Korean convenience store owner. The army surplus store guy. It’s like everyone was there to just to piss you off. I almost

Could be the opening scene of his own personal Falling Down.

It’s one thing to feign ignorance. It’s another to walk into a Porsche dealer, gesture toward the GT3RS and ask if the difference is just brakes, suspension and aero. Yeah, it’s just like a base model Carrera. They just removed the radio and stiffened it up a bit. No big deal.

No. Add up the fares with all the fees and factor in constant dollars and it’s still far less to fly now than it was before airline deregulation. There are a LOT more people flying today than there were in the 70s - largely because 80% of the population can now afford the fares.

Buying a car in my late teens and twenties compared to buying a car in my forties is a completely different experience. Tom’s advice is good, but even if you do make an appointment for to drive a Porsche, asking a bunch of noobie questions about a famous collectible like the GT3RS is a surefire way to get pushed into

Footage of the incident, which occurred in a Walmart parking lot, went viral on Wednesday morning.

Keep searching Torch. Just remember the real hero from that episode: the inanimate carbon rod.

Now playing

I always had a soft spot for that car. There may come a time yet when having a solid F-body from this era may garner some attention. Like this Camaro Mike Musto reviewed:

And just like that, I love my TiVo even more.

It’s on my wish list. Beautiful, badass, and they’re getting cheap to boot. A perfect base for a nice build.

Looks fine to me. Seems fitting. Anyone here see Logan yet? Hopefully that thing will brake if you stand in front of it.

There is balance in a mutual, bilateral relationship. You can say love is love, but there’s always the corollary. When Mr. Rodriguez begins to prefer Mr. Prada (or perhaps Mr. Bermudez), we can all enjoy watching a gay divorce. Pass the popcorn.

I discovered books on tape back in the 90s and listened on the drives between home and school. If the topic is captivating, it really helps the time pass. My wife and I don’t have kids yet, but I figure I’ll put on movies for them to keep from getting bored. I’ll put on something I’ve seen so I can watch in my mind’s

I understand the thrill and I won’t begrudge anyone for doing it, but it’s impossible to drive one of those things and not look like a complete and utter douchenozzle.

Councilman Englander - “Eroding the equity in your home by making your neighborhood traffic noisier.”

Henry Rollins once shared a wish he had in one of his shows. “I wish I could sue people for time back on my life”. What this old lady did was stupid, but there’s a lot of assholes out there making life horrible for the rest of us. Drunken meltdowns, racist tirades, charging the cockpit - those people are murdering you

Whoever at Takata who gave the go ahead belongs in a prison cell. Takata engineers warned their superiors that ammonium nitrate becomes unstable with age and while it performs as well as other, more expensive propellants, it would present a clear and present danger to anyone driving an older vehicle.