
Pepe the frog has a human avatar.

I’ve owned my Miata for almost 26 years and I’ve driven the NB and NC models. If you’re the kind of person who likes to modify your car, the NA is the way to go for one simple reason: if your state is like mine, cars without OBD2 are exempt from emissions testing.

Nicely done. Great build!

But it’s a pillow if your skull hits it where a bare or leather wrapped bar would be a hammer.

A little late to this party. Years ago I was sitting in a waiting room to have my car serviced by a new mechanic. I needed a new clutch. Overheard the owner/mechanic tell a customer that synthetic oil turns gets watery with heat and doesn’t offer the protection her car needs.

In December around 10 years ago, I was driving north on I-55 from St. Louis. Moderate traffic, reasonable speeds. The roads were wet from the rain turning to snow. A massive cold front moved through and rapidly dropped the temperature from the 30s down into the 10s. I was in the middle lane exiting a gentle curve

Say what you will about the woman. She’s aging gracefully enough for me to suspect a Faustian bargain.

If that’s the plan, better steal more than 1.6 million. It’s not as much money as you think it is when you’re on the lam.

Oh, I remember it. Mostly the scathing reviews of it.

My brother got me one of those too. Love that guy.

Hi Aimee

I’ve spent the past few months refusing to care about what our next president says, but goddamn is that STUPID. And I know words, Michael. President-Elect Dunning-Kreuger does not know what he doesn’t know. Redundant, I know.

Chicagoans would love this. We’re a major city without a ring road. It would be a huge relief for traffic on 90/94 to have an alternate route around the city by driving under the lake with perhaps an exit or two leading into the loop. C’mon Elon!

“16 years? Awww, you guys are so cute.”

Dude, I married your girlfriend.

My father had a motorhome when we were kids. Traded it for a boat. Neither ran very well, but we had some good times in them. The lesson I drew regarding recreational vehicles: if it drives, flies or floats - rent it.

Now playing

When you consider the fees some of the airlines charge for baggage checking and carry-ons, you either adapt or suck it up and pay. Once you’re accustomed to it, they’ll hit you with yet another fee. I’ve read stories of people wearing multiple layers of clothing like a homeless person so they can get all their stuff

Now playing

I hate crowdfunding. It’s great in concept, but we got burned by the Coin credit card. We had 250 bucks into Coin to give as Christmas gifts. They delayed and delayed for months and then announced what we actually bought was a “beta” version. (FitBit bought them out, too) I consider myself lucky that we got refund.

Every time I see bad news about the industry, Carnival is in the headline. They seem hell bent on ruining the industry. But I also hear they have great food and when you’re trapped on a barge for days on end, that makes up for a lot. Unless you get a food borne illness. With their low rate fares, some people think