
It’s “dream cars” like the Chiron that have soured my dream of owning an exotic. You can’t call it a plaything for the rich if it’s so expensive that no one who owns one actually wants play with it. They might as well call it “The Unicorn” because you’re just as likely to see one out in the wild. And if you are so

I would say the Spectre, but we already have a flying can of whoop-ass with that name.

“It was last summer and I had been to haute couture”

This is Rocky. He was clever and sweet and loved everybody. If you were sitting alone in my home, you’d have company whether you like it or not. Rocky was my best friend in spite of his night howling, which we later found out were from migraines caused by an overactive thyroid. Compound meds stopped it, but he still

This brings back an early memory visiting family in California. I was confused by the moon’s appearance in the middle of the day. My cousin from my father’s generation snapped his fingers and said “I knew I forgot to turn something off last night.” He convinced me that he could turn off the moon with a switch in his

If you want to understand why we approached Vietnam the way we did, look up George Kennan’s long telegram. It set the basis for America’s confrontation with the Soviet Union after the second world war.

It’s much easier to teach the history of human disasters than political conflicts (AKA “war”). The Vietnam war had so many elements of influence that it cannot be adequately summed up in a section or chapter of a history textbook. Have a look at Wikipedia and you’ll see what I mean. There were dozens of players and

Is there something I’m missing here? Your actions can be recorded when you are in a public space. Your actions ARE recorded when you ride public transportation. Most cabs I’ve been in have video recording equipment.


Done and done. How about letting me out of the greys?

Now playing

I think Mercedes got it right with the 600 Grosser. Two horns with a selector switch. One makes a polite higher pitched beep to alert the person in front of you to go or warn pedestrians of your presence. The other a MASSIVE AIR HORN to ward off errant truckers. Air raid sirens have nothing on a Grosser.

I dated a gorgeous athletic woman who dragged me to watch this pile of garbage. She adored it. We lasted maybe one more date after that. (Did I mention gorgeous and athletic?) Some things will keep you coming back, but not even Helen of Troy’s famed beauty can eclipse Elizabethtown’s vileness.

I passed a card like this in my time. It’s not just a Victorian thing. Granted, it wasn’t professionally engraved or anything....

What a bore Rudy must be. I like and appreciate the 911 for what it is, but this reminds me of an acquaintance from college who would only date blondes of a certain height, proportion, face and vapid personality. (Think Heidi Montag post surgery) One interchangeable girlfriend after another for the three years I knew

Congrats on the purchase. An excellent choice. I can’t wait to read your posts on this.

This comment needs more stars.

Comparing todays cars to the Pinto, are you? It was introduced in 1971. Its most potent engine made 100hp. The latter half of your statement applies to just about every new car available for sale in that era. Even the venerable Corvette was an asthmatic weakling in the late 70s.

The Pinto actually had some real potential to compete with the imports. Unfortunately Ford went with a regular metal fuel tank instead of one with a rubber lining as a cost saving measure. Good thing for us consumers that they were caught applying “The Formula”.

My wife got hers from her mom because her mom can’t drive anymore. I flew to the east coast to pick it up and drive it home. The ES is comfortable, reliable has a decent stereo and plenty of trunk space. If cars are nothing more than an appliance to you, the ES is a great choice. But if you like cars even a little