
The Razr was a beautiful but inferior product, which is why I never bought one. At a time when people started having multiple modes of contact, the Razr's address book would only keep ONE attribute per person, which resulted in contact entries like:

As a trayfe eatin' jew, I'm all over that Noah's Breakfast like liver on matzos.

The ice packs come with warnings printed on them, don't they? All the ones I've seen have it. Just like all the plastic bags that warn adults about suffocating babies. Because there's always that one stupid yet litigious person who ruins things for the rest of us.

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No one alters his appearance at the DMV better than T.J. Miller.


Are you suggesting that the Germans are pretending that it never happened? Making the swastika illegal along with any memorials to Adolf Hitler doesn't mean they don't talk or teach about the worst thing that ever happened to the Germans since the Black Plague.

Hasagawa and Tamiya model kits provide the swastikas on a separate decal sheet so the kits can be sold in Germany. (They simply pull the sheet of swastikas out before shipping them) The box art does not include the swastika.

I'd use a car bra again if I were driving though Louisiana in the summertime. The nose of my car just gets coated with dead insects when you're on I-10. A bra is easy enough to install and remove. Painters tape may be easy if you buy the good stuff, but I don't think the glue was designed to hold in outdoor heat.

The two vehicles are on the extremes in size, but make sense in terms of fuel allocation. Why drive a Hummer to run out for a gallon of milk? Different tools for different jobs.

No one wants to be there. And no one is rubbing it in. The D-Day invasion was a pivotal moment in the war which forced Hitler to fight on two fronts, something he could barely afford to do against the Russians.

You can celebrate their contribution. None of those men wanted to be planted in the ground, but if they didn't do what they did there'd be an awful lot more goose-stepping around Paris today. It may not have been their reason to go to war, but the European invasion also stopped one of the biggest crimes against

Well put. Perhaps if we could hear the car at speed I'd feel different about that exhaust note. Sounds a bit like a kid's bilabial fricative with his tongue sticking out.

We had the third row on our family's 72 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser. The one with the disappearing gate and glass. That monster of a wagon was badass. I loved riding in the way-back.

You beat me to it. Clarkson's ebullience captures my feelings every time I fix something on my car.

To watch anything in 4K, I'll need 4K content. Which means whatever I plug in is getting upscaled. It will either look the same as it does now on my HD flatscreen or fall somewhere from a little pixelated to a hot mess of overcompressed JPEG. It'll cost more than a two year old Honda Accord.

I would run it over, back up, then peel out on the fucker.

I live in Chicago. The way we drive to avoid potholes, you'd think we're all drunks behind the wheel. This guy is my new hero.