
Why? Where did he make a moronic false equivalency?

Totally not the point. The point is that you are vastly more likely to die like that guy who got hit by a car than to die like the people at the marathon and yet we treat the second like it’s way more dangerous than the first and freak out and give up civil liberties and elect demagogues who lie to us about keeping us

Being an accident or intentional doesn’t change the fact that they’re both random and unpredictable.

There are those who will read this and think “Why, yes, I do want this con man to head our country, because we’ll be the beneficiaries of his grifts and swindles” without realizing that they’re the ones being swindled.

The Orioles will host the Red Sox for three more games this week

The only good thing he ever did was charge Ventura.

We can certainly stop waiting for Machado to “mature”. He’s always going to be a hot-head with a chip on his shoulder, just waiting for someone to “disrespect” him. Of course, with a grade-A red-ass like Showalter as his manager, there will always be plenty of scenarios where he can get pissed off. Let’s hope Manny

+1 for using an image of the late, great Joe Polito.

Madbum is the biggest redneck in the MLB. I suppose his history with Puig helped, as well.

And just when you thought a major league baseball player couldnt’t be any more of a macho shithead…

I don’t think this is particularly controversial but I believe Bumgarner is kind of an asshole.

Machado is a grade-A dumbfuck. He should have been kicked out of baseball when he threw his bat at Alberto Callaspo in retaliation for Josh Donaldson tagging him too hard. Yes, tagging him too hard.

Machado gets the Brian McCann MSP award for most sanctimonious player tonight.

He actually goes on to say, “Why would I want to hit you with that motherfucker coming up? Use your head.” With “that motherfucker” of course being Mark Motherfucking Trumbo.

89 pitch complete game. Who the hell even does that anymore?

“Enemy combatant” is a complete chicken-shit way to escape having to provide the rights and protections of criminal justice or prisoner of war status to someone.

The constitution doesn’t apply to brown people. I don’t know how often real Americans need to explain this simple truth until libruls get it.

I agree it’s a mistake to lose faith in the Indians.

Will you two fucking kiss already. This is worse than, “You’ve Got Mail”

Gentlemen, gentlemen, it is ok. Both of you can equally be annoying as fuck at this point. No need to fight over it.