
Is the "crime" in reference, the inept response of FEMA to the disaster? Just curious as to the moniker. If he is going broad on that, then the possibilities of future installments is vast.

Yep, between 1997-1999, you had these kind of films coming out in theaters all the time. Now it's few and far between.

There are a lot of good little subplots that come to a head with the disaster. I was in junior high when it came out and went and saw it in theaters and I mainly went for that sort of thing, in addition to the special effect extravaganza. There would be no interest for me otherwise.

Mark Z Danielewski's book, "The Familiar", is set in 2014 and is full of these to the point where I have to look them up as I read. References to shootings and stuff. I think that might be the point though.

The hard drive on mine crapped out after about 3 years of use….I really enjoyed my playlist I had on it and not using data to listen to my tunes.

It can stimulate hunger and possibly cause an insulin response. Your brain is receiving the stimulation of a huge bolus of sweetness, but there is no calories behind it, so thus looks to overcompensate. I know that if I drink one, I get hungry af.

Did anyone know about this? I guess all the extraneous supplemental stuff is pure Mark Frost. It seems like something sort of anti-Lynch, like it would give away too much of the mystery and unknown, but I'm interested in digging into it. Still haven't gotten into The Secret History.

Did anyone else see the people lying together on the ground at the farm? It was like a man leaned up against a building with someone at his feet. Bad Coop casually walked by them. The owners of the farm, killed by Hutch and Chantal?

That family comedy sounds bizarre. What is the age of consent in Europe?

Seems like there's a lot of people in this thread loving it. I am scrolling through the threads looking for voices of dissent.

I have been a big fan of Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive used to be a favorite movie, but as I was watching this, I was pretty frustrated at times. I kinda knew that I would get on the internet this morning and everyone would be saying this was the greatest thing ever.

I thought he said that because he meant that he didn't know she was completely oblivious to the fact it was her own father (albeit possessed by Bob) as she only saw Bob when the abuse was happening. I feel disappointed that I misread this interpretation.

There may have been a period of respite (comparably) in the early 90s when the show first came out, but the world's been pretty terrible the past 15-16 years. We just didn't have the internet in our pockets at all time to remind us.

Oh ok, that's why he says on the black box phone that "he's supposed to return to the Black Lodge, but he isn't going" or something to that effect.

Can someone tell me why there are two Kyle Maclachlans in the real world? At the end of season 2, I thought there was Evil Coop (in the real world and inhabited by BOB) and Good Coop (the real Coop, stuck in the Black Lodge). Why is there a Dougie even out there that can be inhabited? Why was he created?

These are exactly my thoughts.

I have thought we've seen too much Black Lodge as well.

Haven't seen much on Twitter, which is where I usually see pop-culture references. Have seen a few Wally Brando comments on other websites, but that's it other than some references leadin up to the premiere.

I hate the digital look of it all. Maybe it's because I'm watching on streaming and I'm losing a bit of quality, but I recently watched the original on Netflix and it looked fantastic.