
this video could have been cool, but it tried to hard to be artistic in my opinion.

@NyQuil012: edit. i didn't read the comments first. stupid me.

there's no way this would be free or cheap.

this looks very nice.

@Lupus_Yonderboy: just tell us what they deal is. we shall keep it secret. promise!

@godal: ipad, really? verizon is going to announce the new ipad. i'll give you $100 if they do.

if the iphone 5 is anything like the 3gs compared to the 3g, it doesn't make too much of a difference.

@Lagi: it's important to america, where verizon, att and apple are all located here.

i can't link it because i'm at work. But verizon twitted something "from twitter for iphone"

@voddles: i'll be right there. please have a chocolate on my pillow once i arrive.

share? can i share on facebook for all the creepers out there?

want my number ladies?

i'm going to need a case for my case.

@bdinger: why didn't verizon announce this something cool at CES?

Someone let this guy know about a house like this. He has a cat city.

sounds delicious.

I think it's neat to have all the apps in one place, I found an app called Caffeine which allows you to stop it from going to sleep when you turn it on. I have my screen set to shut off 3 minutes of no activity, sometimes when watching videos it turns off.