
I'm an American, I deserve stuff at the cheapest price possible or free. thanks.

i wish there was a way to have it so the phone tells you where the app is located. sometimes i just search for it, but want to know for future reference.

This changes everything. Again.

those pictures make it look like it's CGI.

sweet! In 2011 there will be no night time!

@Curves: well, you know i know nothing about gardening from my comment above.

i'm waiting for 3D contact lenses.

@Curves: aka people who garden.

when the first watering can was created we had to keep a hand busy holding a beer can. duh.

isn't it amazing that we have created something like this jet?

i never knew about palladium, but at $800 an ounce, i need to get me some.

can't you this with a cell phone as well?

i wonder why he went with blue and not green. neat job tho.

does it come in a woman model?

@Mark Greig: if you have your receipt or can prove you bought one, you should be good.

when i saw the bugs tag, i thought it involved some kind of insect.

is that ever a good sign?

black things are always better.