Jimmy Calhoun

Oh yeah, we white folks *deserve* to be treated better than other folks just because we invented electricity or some shit. Everybody else should be grateful to us for having been such greedy colonialist assholes.

More recently, they also semi-covered Son House ("John the Revelator"). Speaking of blues influence.

I thought of Scott Tenorman too! Though Spencer hasn't had to eat his own parents as chili (yet)…

I was digging what they were saying till I got to that last sentence. Such good intentions gone to such deranged results…

That has never been true. Not even in black/pagan metal or oi!/street punk.

Phew, that was close… I thought you were dead serious till I saw the Consolidated reference below it.

He'll walk away, in silence.

The irony of that one really smarts, in retrospect… :-(

You may be *technically* correct, but the distinction really isn't as important as you think. This is a guy who (by his own admission) favors "peaceful ethnic cleansing," as if that weren't an obvious oxymoron. Basically, forcing millions of people out of the only home they've ever known - and what happens if they

Takashi Miike's. :-)

Watch "Audition." Then it'll all make sense. :-)

Of course I feel awful for her, but what she said is so, so not helpful, to anyone anywhere…

Injury-prone, throws INT's at the worst possible times… What's not to like?

He does have some conservative/libertarian-leaning views, but I think calling him "right-wing" is a bit too much of a pigeonhole.

"Here she comes again, with vodka in her veins…"\

"Just When" has got to be one of the most underrated songs ever. An utter classic I could listen to for eternity.