Jimmy B Natural

Grant was a drunk and a good general but a terrible president. Probably good to party with?

Maybe this episode will usher in the needed Winds of Change?

I feel like the Geoffrey Rush remake was pretty darn entertaining. So much better than the remake of The Haunting. Original Haunting >>>> original House on Haunted Hill. Strange to see the flip-flop there (though Price is fun in it as always - it's just so cheap.

Statesville Smurf?

Gah! They totally are! I get the Flintstones using a wooly mammoth to help with the dishes or a needlenose bird spinning some 78's, but what the actual F does a ladybug have to do with a cellphone camera? Makes no sense at all. Do you see why I want them to die horribly?

That's what's so frustrating - if there was ever any actual danger this would be much more entertaining. Even the Globetrotters lost once! Can't I get one squashed flat Smurf?

I can't stand Smurfs. I wish there was a movie about killing Smurfs. Smurf snuff?

I visibly twitched when I read this sentence.

Looks like a Daft Punk concert with a huge budget.

The Russian, he used to be an interior decorator!

Great article. Also, Murder's up for sale!

Not at all - I think they were fantastic with Di'anno, and I have met many who prefer his streetpunk style vs. Bruce's epic operatic style. I think if Paul would have stayed with the band for one more record, more people would feel this way. I give Bruce a slight edge - because he is more versatile. Now, if you

SOTN. Fuck yeah.

…but neither one is better than Master of Reality or Sabotage.

This is correct - but I really wish that Purple Sabbath had more time and more albums.

All I wanted was her skull. Whoaaa no, I didn't even get that.

If it were a straight-up singer vs. singer battle, no question Hagar is a better vocalist. Overall though? The songs simply aren't there. Similar to the Ozzy vs. Dio as Sabbath frontman discussion. Clearly Ozzy is no great shakes and Dio is God - but there are so many great songs on those early albums! And the

I have met one person who prefers Danzig solo to Misfits. She also likes Van Hagar better than Van Halen. I think her metal detector needs to be re-calibrated.

I would see this if the soundtrack was by Venom.

Are you sure that's a monster truck? Maybe it's a Jeepster?