Jimmy B Natural

Probably better than Trick or Treat and sounds worth checking out for a metalhead/ horror afficionado such as myself. Good to see it's NR as well - PG-13 horror almost always = hard pass.

I wish he would take a stand against Disqus comment formatting! Can't we please focus on the real issues facing this country?

Are you into Leather? A lot of the boys in the band are into Leather. And rubber! Shrink to fit with a hairdryer!

There was a great Key and Peele sketch about this with Obama passing legislation.

A Decade of Decadence?

"I know shit is pretty fucked up out there right now, but we got this guy, Not Sure…"

They don't even own that word, totally purloined it! I just want my taste

Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a savior such as you.

Ah, I was confusing it with Bloodlines. So nerd level -1 I guess?

I kept my Sega Genesis just so I can play this one occasionally - fantastic game.

Andy Summers and Robert Fripp - either separate or together. They have both had songs show up briefly in films, but a full-on soundtrack would be amazing. Considering the instrumental stuff they have both done this should be a slam dunk.

Interesting early improvisation and some later attempts to find themselves without Barrett aside, they simply never had the bass and drum chops or the lean towards classical and noise experimentation of so much prog. I'd say Floyd's song structures are too pop-based to be called prog, and Gilmour, though amazing, is

Fiona "Shine up the battle" Apple. Please someone get this.

Thinking about getting a quad setup. Should I kill myself now or later?

I have a green faux marble leather ice bucket from the 70s that has a real creepy face on the side if you look at it from the proper angle. I can't always see it either, but it is always there after a drink or two.

"Oh well, one more dream dead" - AV Club (also the year 2016 as a whole)

Anthrax' Worship Music and testament's Dark Roots were both excellent albums and captured much of past glories, imho.

I don't know guys - Mustaine, asshole or not, still has it.

It's a good but not great record. "Spit Out the Bone" is the standout track for me.

I would say 4.5 - Garage Days counts.