"Can you load Android on a Playbook? If so, I'd buy one for $100 to play with the OS. It might finally convince me to walk away from my iOS app investment and switch altogether. "
"Can you load Android on a Playbook? If so, I'd buy one for $100 to play with the OS. It might finally convince me to walk away from my iOS app investment and switch altogether. "
i rooted my desire about a year ago now, when gingerbread came out, as i didnt want to wait forever to get GB, best decision i ever made regarding it until, i recent S-OFFed the phone, allowing me to change the memory partition, and now i can add a ridiculously larger amount of apps to the phone and i no longer think…
Open office < MSO in every way
sources please.
well its come a long way in the last 6 months to say the least
why would anyone want a camera free phone?
Have you tried Launcher 7?
no or you didnt read my comment, try harder this time.
Mario and Halo
using a joystick to control a mouse on a browser?
"Just because you say something is ironic and hypocritical doesn't mean it actually is. "
i dont need to provide evidence to counter argue bullshit you made up with no facts.
"A war with a second or first world country will spell the end of everyone in nuclear fire. There's no middle ground where an air to air stealth fighter makes sense. "
The irony of your post
a few errors cause something to be a flop?
Oh because the most advances air-superiority plane in the world isnt a deterrent?
"too bad we dont need it at all"
well these gave me a good lol
Imagine the PR nightmare of a headline that reads: "App utilizes security flaw in iOS, Apple removes app."
I'd like to know where I called a person a name.