
If i recall correctly Tim Cook said Siri requires A5 in the keynote.

Apple fanboys getting upset in here, anytime i hear "Apple is a business, they owe nothing to customers" its an upset fanboy that is getting self-concious their favourite hardware brand is screwing customers.

Answer: They needed a new gimmick to market with as facetime has been forgotten about.

if you read the article you would realize they were never used for tennis.

oh right so you cant criticize something unless you have made more money.

tech specs are outdated by like 2 years.

and nobody cared

no its a link referral

thats a ridiculous argument.

well if you tried to say you like any dell hardware you would likely get punched in the face ;)

and then he inhaled the mercury and lead that was put into the atmosphere from his stupidity and now has a higher chance at getting cancer.

If anyone really thought they could pinpoint the 7 billionth person in the world they need to wake up from lala land.

Sam you been having a rough week man?

The author is incorrect

Whether or not it had some problems, the most advanced air superiority plane is not what i would call "shitty"

The F35 compared to the F22 in the role of air superiority is lack luster.

using chromes inspect element disagrees with you and shows both closing tags.

Quick we need something that looks like hacking!!!

sometimes having stuff too tight isn't comfortable, that's why you "loose" it.