Jimmy Americano

It's entertainment level is questionable to a "silent majority" as the article pointed out. It's really an irrelevant point.

Sure. That would probably be accomplished if the fans and media that cover it didn't treat it like the second coming of Christ every year.

I agree completely with what you just posted, but that's not what I was trying to say in my comment. The article expresses not a call for everyone to enjoy what they enjoy, but instead an insinuating tone that portrays those that don't like the Super Bowl as "ruining" some sort of mystique that the event has. I don't

I'd love to hear your expansion on that instead of just a meaningless statement.

#1. Wow this was a long article.
#2. Why do people feel that what they like has to be liked by EVERYONE? Why do you need that global acceptance? Are you that superficial that you need to think that everyone is with you watching men shorten their lives for a small bit of entertainment? Why must we all be quiet while